I’ve been using Windows since the days of 3.1, practically my entire life. So I’m really comfortable with how windows operates and how to do the things that I want to do.
I’ve dabbled around with Linux over the years, but am now considering trying to make a full switch to it.
What are some resources to “learn” Linux properly? Such as understanding the filesystem, basic security practices, essential tools or commands, etc?
Just start using it. Set up a dual boot if you really need access to Windows still, but try not to use it as much as possible. You learn by running into problems or holes in your knowledge, and solving those issues will fill in other gaps.
There are plenty of video series if you want to listen to advice before diving in, but there’s no teacher like experience.
This, I learned out of necessity when I was a teen, parents were divorcing and my dad only had an extremely old laptop, it was literally unusable on XP, was lookin around online on how to possibly speed it up and found Linux.
Install using the debian net installer. Only add a GUI/Desktop Environment through command line and apt. Don’t use tasksel.
Do this on a laptop that’s not mission critical. Barring that, use Tails on a USB drive
I dabbled for a few years before I made the switch.
You learn after you switch. Not before. Because then it’s easier to search for a Linux solution than it is to reinstall windows and get it done in the way you’re familiar.
If you can dual boot and do your daily needs you are good enough to make the switch.
Sorry this does not answer your question but zorin os it a great out of the box distro that tries to look and feel like windows and has almost everything you need as part of the installation including wine and play on linux and an rdp client. it has the ubuntu software gui interface but if you use it I would prioritize learning to use apt at the command line as I feel the gui software thing as a bit pants. I used unix extensively in my tech career but did not use it as a daily driver (for a variety of “reasons”) till under a year ago where windows 11 just made it necessary to do. I have future plans to go to an immutable but man zorin is great for a quick and dirty up and running thing. Also if you have an old laptop throw it on that. You will be amazed at how it may outperform your newer machine with windows.
For learning about the filesystem layout, you can type
man hier
into a Linux terminal.Or read the same online: https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/hier.7.html
Start using it. Look up anything that bothers you.
Don’t make it your work or main computer yet. That might create too much frustration.
“Out of the box” security is decent at this point.
Maybe don’t look up ANYTHING that bothers you. Thats a rabbit hole.
This. Install a VM or throw it on some old box you have lying around. Don’t sweat “learning it”. Just do it. If you know your way around a computer, you’ll figure it out. Having said that, there are lots of resources out there. Just watch some “how do I install X” videos, where X is your distro of choice. That choice should be Mint, BTW.
My personal journey:
Install random Linux distro as virtual machine or dual boot, use it until you run into something you can’t fix. Look for an alternative.
Do this a couple of times, my path was: Ubuntu, Manjaro, PopOS, Zorin, Debian, Mint. I ended up replacing windows completely with Mint. It’s nice, easy, customizable, and I can play my games on it when I need to 👍
Learning the terminal is easily done on linuxjourney.com!
there isn’t actually that much to read, at the user level. Nowadays, on a “user friendly distribution” you should be able to launch firefox to browse lemmy, and open a pdf without much difficulties. Even printer aren’t anymore a nightmare to install.
Main stuff to know IMO.
Linux distribution came with app store long before it was cool, for 99% of the case should just use-them, no need to worry (at first) about how to install an app which doesn’t come from an official repository
While you can choose among many Desktop environment, just take the one coming with the distro you choose and get used to it.
Terminal is a pretty neat tool once you know-it, but so is a Torque-wrench for your car. You do not have to know how to use-it to use a PC.
The first thing to bring to the process is curiosity. Linux is not Windows and doesn’t operate in the same way.
What you think of a normal Windows behaviour, is unlikely to work in the same way under Linux.
In Linux everything is represented within the filesystem. This means that you’ll find USB ports, soundcards, hard drive devices, mouse, as well as running processes, open files, memory and even the CPU as well as everything else to run a modern computer represented inside the filesystem directory structure you’re presented with.
The Linux kernel is the heart of every system. Each flavour or distribution (distro) of Linux package up their ideas for the best way to use the kernel, offering different ways to install applications, drivers, user interface, etc. The variety is endless.
Note that within each distro are multiple versions. Each distro is distinct and unlikely to do things in the same way, so instructions found online for one might not apply to another.
The vast majority of software available is packaged from source by a distro and made available to you as a package.
You can compile anything from source, but that is a very deep rabbit hole, something you’d want to shy away from for the first year at least.
Packages have dependencies which most package managers attempt to deal with. This works fine if you use the same distro, but has a very high chance of breaking things if you start pulling packages from other distros or versions.
Much can be achieved with a GUI, but the real magic happens on the command line.
To get started, set aside an old machine, or build a virtual machine on your Windows PC and start learning.
I’ve been using Linux daily since 1999, and I’d recommend that you start with Debian. It’s stable, highly compatible, has a massive package collection and is properly documented.
Other distros like Ubuntu are (loosely) based on it.
Whatever you do, take it slow, make regular backups of your data and ask questions.
Find an easy distro (my recc is mint if you’re coming from windows, elementary if you’re coming from Mac) and just do it. Follow the install guides and just start trying to use your computer. Look up things when things aren’t working. If you get frustrated or justconsistently don’t like your distro, find a different one. Most people don’t know the exact distro they like with their first attempt. It’s very common to bounce around to different ones for a while or even have multiple.
Some will allow you to do a live environment off a USB stick, but I don’t know. I never found that really told me whether not it was going to be a good daily driver. But it does give you an easy way to check out the “vibes” of one without having to actually commit to it
Linux Mint or vanilla Ubuntu. They’re nice, we’ll developed and stable with lots of software available. Never need to use a command line unless you want to
The file system takes some getting used to, but it’s similar to Mac. The only folders you need to worry about most of the time are /Home and /Media. Home is where all your stuff is. Media is where you find all your drives and partitions
you really want to learn linux?
That is not a good idea for a beginner.
bullshit, it’s perfect for a beginner
From the “Prerequisites” section of LFS:
Building an LFS system is not a simple task. It requires a certain level of existing knowledge of Unix system administration in order to resolve problems and correctly execute the commands listed. In particular, as an absolute minimum, you should already know how to use the command line (shell) to copy or move files and directories, list directory and file contents, and change the current directory. It is also expected that you know how to use and install Linux software.
Install arch the old fashioned way using the installation guide and then maintain it for a year or so. It’s not hard but it’ll take you some hours to get going if you are just used to buttons which tell you what they do.
Before I swapped to linux full-time, I used virtualbox to create test environments from various distros to see which one I liked best.
After testing: EndeavorOS, Manjaro, PopOS, Nobara, Ubuntu, and openSuse
I settled on Endeavor as my main driver and have been running it for over a year now. openSuse came close second for me, and Nobara was a distant last, I really did not like it. The important thing for me was to try several of them in a safe way that would let me experiment on if this was really something I wanted at all.