Bernie is 100% right now, we can’t count on the Dems in DC. The working class is going to have to fight this one.
It’ll require a lengthy grassroots effort from the working class any its allies. At the moment, anything you can think to do is the right thing to do until a proper movement coalesces. Get out and try things. And bring your friends along for the effort. That’s how movements like this get going.
Trumpism is a cancer. Plus, it also revived Nazism, so that’s fun. So now we need to defeat both of them…
I also know a cure for nazism. I own a couple of handy applicators.
It’s an amazingly simple device. An idiot can operate it, and indeed many do.
Print yours at home!
Sometimes against schoolchildren!
Maybe reframe this as an opportunity to defeat both at once.
You say “both of them” as if there’s a meaningful distinction to be made between them.
Pretty sure Trumpism was just Nazism in a new hat.