You don’t have to.
Anything really. No matter what your friends say, what your family says, you’re not obligated to live your life in a way which is not comfortable for you. Or put yourself into situations you dislike just to please other’s expectations.
Do it your way. Do your best to be a good person of course (according to whichever moral standard you hold). But do it your way.
The word “No” is such a life-changer and it’s definitely something I learned to apply only recently. I grew up being told to be obedient. Parents demanded it and school enforced it. It made me into a people pleaser and it sucked having to do things that I did not enjoy simply because it was what was expected of me.
I’m still struggling with No but I’ve been trying everyday to keep saying No to things I don’t particularly like.
It’s a bit abstract, but…
If something feels off or wrong, trust your instinct.
Exercise matters for your mental health, not just looking good or longevity.
Many times the best way to respond to strong emotions is to just sit with it. Sit and do nothing but experience it. Don’t try to “solve the problem”, don’t shove it down.
Moisturizer will prevent a lot of face blemishes.
Hormone related acne changes aside, if don’t have other skin / health issues and you’re regularly changing your sheets and clothes, moisturizing will solve a lot of face stuff.
Drink water.
So many odd physical conditions ended up being the result of dehydration and went away once I started drinking water throughout my day. I was in my 30s when I learned that one.
What kinda symptoms?
It took me 30 years to learn I’ve CPTSD.
What self-care have you learned thar you can briefly share?
But what concrete self-care tips have you derived from that?
Fake it till you make it is a sucessfull postponement to existential questions.
Isnt that problematic for your authenticity tho?
No one is genuinely authentic. Maybe a few people who are incapable of doing otherwise due to issues.
Sometimes I’m not even authentic to myself. I can be different people from one day to the next. Generally it’s an attempt to be better followed by reversion to mean, but sometimes not.
That’s a later problem