The entire Republican party are criminals.

    3 months ago

    So the way it works elsewhere is much more simple and private. After you vote the results so far are printed on a receipt.

    You then drop your reciept in a drop box outside the polling place, which is run by an independent organization, usually run by or partnered with independent press. They can look at the receipt results over time to validate the vote is being conducted fairly and votes aren’t being lost. Many also post the results so far so you can compare to make sure your vote counted for the person you voted for.

      3 months ago

      the issue with that, and paper ballots is that they would have to be traceable. The goal is to get something so you YOU are the only one who knows how you voted. if you were the only one that knew the ID number for the NFT you sent back, then you’d be able to check it without too much in the way of leakage. (or that’s the thought.)

      Reason being, so husbands can’t abuse wives that voted for people that don’t want to turn her into a second class citizen. Or, an angry tyrant who would go after people that didn’t vote for him. Also, with the return-wallet being public, anyone can do their own recount; not just look at other peoples counts. (also it would be easily automated. a simple python script could probably handle sorting out the winners in something like ranked choice or star voting, etc. or whatever prefference poling.)