When asked about what extent Democrats are willing to withhold votes to resist the Republicans, I sure as hell don’t expect a leader to throw up their hands and go all Ned Flanders parents and give up after trying nothing and then go on about more bipartisanship. Especially after making some clearly bullshit public claims they’ll do everything in their power to resist.
This is just weak ass, ineffective leadership and messaging that I’ve come to expect from Democrats so I really shouldn’t be surprised. But hey if you find this awe inspiring leadership, I guess go you.
Oh come on you know damn well where it’s at.
The same Andy Kim that voted for Noem, Duffy, Ratcliffe into cabinet positions?
Yeah, this dude isn’t screaming opposition here.
Does it take fifteen minutes to tell the little shits to go fuck themselves?
They only say things when they know they can get money.
And what about it? So you think Congress will do anything about it? That the courts would do anything about it? Democrats are powerless to do anything about it, not like I would expect them to put up any fight to begin with. The rest of America going to do crap about it? Do you think the farmers who voted to getting fucked by this will do anything about it?
My guess would be no. Let the farmers who voted for it find out.
Unless their first act is to kick Fetterman to the curb then to me it’s all empty ass words of you can’t do something that simple.
You’re the one who made the extraordinary claim that the Uncommitted leaders wants to destroy America, so you need to provide that proof, not me there bucko.
And for you to straight up admit you’d simply dismiss any evidence brought to you pretty much solidifies you’re take is shit and your not exactly a bright person or serious person.
Well clearly a bait and switch article here.
Fear of what though? What the root cause? I’m willing to bet it’s not fear of being put in jail for having DEI practices in place. I’m willing to bet a case of craft beer it’s the fear of losing money that’s driving it. They didn’t give a shit about the people unless you’re a majority shareholder.
Just fascist things.
While I do understand the schadenfreude of all of this, you know what the Democrat still fucking suck and have learned nothing too.
I mean while I think that all of these groups get what the voted or didn’t vote for but at the same time they had very valid points that the Democrats still refuse to respond to. And quite honestly their efforts at being a opposition party is a disgrace and I don’t think their giving anyone the feeling that they have Americans backs here against these fascists.
Very true, it was just pushing on a rope. Nah, I get it, do what you got to do man.
Yeah, I had that for quite a while too. Still call them and tell them how shitty of a christian they and pointing out that the bible tells us to take care of the less fortunate. They love that.
You don’t see progress so be it. I’m not about to tell you what you perceive, I’m not going to change your mind here. I’m glad to see that there’s even something called The Squad in congress but clearly you don’t. So feel free to continue to not vote, not make difference at all, make no progress.
This is where we part ways on this conversation. Good luck with things going forward and the choices you made and will make and have a good day.
Then clearly there was no choice for you. So be it, deal with the consequences now and accept the hand you dealt.
Oh don’t get all up in arms about the honor of usha Vance here. She is a Republican too and voted for these neo Nazis into office along with the other neo Nazis.
There’s no honor to defend here, she’s one of them.
Good luck with that.
Thanks but I’ll continue voting in every election, every primary, for every progressive despite how tiring and disappointing it can be and not throw away the progress made. Provided we can still do that after another four years.
Yeah and continuing to sit out or voting Republicans will surely make the change you’re looking for happen.
Just as long as you’re content with your decisions and accept that the reality of your consequences and that whatever happens going forward your actions helped cause it.
Commenting without reading/viewing the source and blindly defending your team. Such MAGA-like behavior there.