Feels like every survey in the last 12 years is 67% of people claim to be not crazy and 33% people are psychotic. Except for voting, apparently.
Which actually makes this poll much, much worse for Elon. You’re right that a lot of that 33% saying “Yeah I’d totally buy a Tesla” are probably the MAGA cult who’ve downloaded the latest instruction set and are now responding as programmed. Which means a lot of those people live in areas that Tesla has previously underserved (because red voters were actively antagonistic to electric cars and their infrastructure), meaning have no infrastructure there; no dealerships, no charging stations. You can’t take a Tesla to a regular mechanic, and charging stations are a real problem when you live in flyover country where everything is 200km from everything, at a minimum. Most of the people who now support Elon because he’s “hurting the right people” probably have no ability to actually use his products.
More and more things point that election was actually stolen.
It doesn’t actually matter. It should have been a landslide in favour of Harris, and if there was cheating it would have just reduced her margin of victory.
The fact it was close enough to work (if it occurred) is an indictment of a significant proportion of the population.
Yeah, the nearly one third of the population that is eligible to vote but don’t bother. These are the dopes who are saying they won’t buy a Tesla, but still can’t be bothered to get off their asses and go vote every couple of years.
@Boddhisatva @vividspecter there was massive voter suppression this election. It’s been mounting for ages but even worse this time. Loads of mail-ins chucked out; bomb threats; voter roll purges. A lot of people tried to vote (or even now, think they did) but were turned away or their votes weren’t counted. Even on those numbers, things look sticky for Trump. https://www.gregpalast.com/trump-lost-vote-suppression-won/
This was the first election, since I came of voting age, that I didn’t receive a voting pamphlet that told me about all the individuals running and where my voting site was. I had to go out of my way to look up my county’s ballot measures and to find my voting location. To say I extremely upset about this, is an understatement.
Like Trump saying Elon knows the vote counting computers better than anyone causing a victory in Pennsylvania. Before his inauguration mind you. Should have immediately caused a recount because now it’s probably too late.
That’s how the polls went too…the votes didn’t come out that way for some mysterious reason.
If only two thirds of Americans had voted against this lunacy
Teslas used to be my dream car years before Elon’s musk came out fulll force. Fully electric, sleek, and feature filled.
Obviously, this is no longer the case. Frankly, it makes me kinda sad Tesla is owned by such a piece of trash, their cars (cybertrunk not included) still look beautiful.
Give it time. They’re rolling the cybertruck esthetic to the other vehicles.
Why? Do they not want to sell cars?
Muskrat thinks his design is the greatest there ever was, so he wants it to become part of thr brand.
I heard that the Rivian R1T and R1S are pretty cool.
Way better than anything Tesla has built without any of the BS.
Their trucks actually function both on and off road too.
High price tag though… 2025 Rivian R1S with the Performance Package and the Max battery pack. Base price was $75,900, but those two options, plus several more, brought the as-tested price to $100,950.
Hard no.
If you want to have a cool dream car (without the intention of owning one), look at HiPhi. They’ve done some crazy shit.
I don’t think you can get that in the us
Nah, it’s chinese so ofc you can’t
I’ve always thought their cars were quite boring and ugly for the price range.
Like, have you seen what sort of sleek sports cars even 50k can buy you? It’s insane to me that anyone finds these attractive from the point of view of the body work.
Well, the difference between a sports car and a Tesla is that the former is not a good daily use vehicle in the city.
At this point, a shareholder class action lawsuit must be in the works against The MuskRat for recklessly destroying the brand, and the board of directors for not regining him in or removing him.
My good ‘friend’, Ramzan Kadyrov had his cybertruck remotely disabled by Elon Musk. You can’t trust the Elongated Muskrat.
Apparently not?
Huh, interesting. That explains why he sent one into the SMO zone anyways.
Judging that he said this: “We’ve sent one to the war, installed a machinegun - it was inefficient at war”
The poor bastards of Akhmat Spec For probably found out that the battery lasts for one mission and then need to be recharged for like 5 days and that is if it didn’t break down en route (it is not even waterproof) and if it gets hit at the frontline, the lithium battery would probably incinerate the poor crewmen.
I would cite the FSD deaths first and Elon second.
Those are rookie numbers. I wouldn’t consider a Tesla when I bought a new car in 2022 because of his twitter bullshit.
Pretty much the reason why we stopped buying everything Olly sells.
No oligarchs in my phone or home anymore. Fuck Olly.
People value their lives
Can’t trust the nazi computer that’s trying to crash your car
Or the Nazi who made it
Who are 1/3. Would like to know.
Tech bros, libertarians, contrarians and people who don’t ’follow politics’.
Probably people wanting to buy a used EV for dirt cheap. Logo swap it or buy some stickers, wham, beater EV.
Probably clueless people because polls can be rigged.
I’d drive one if the price was right. Yall are too into signaling. I hate what’s going on in the us and world but it’s just a car and a fairly eco friendly one at that. Yall seriously wouldn’t drive one if they were free??? What if they paid you? Those and crazier are part of the question if phrased as the title suggests.
Lucky for you, now’s a great time to snap up cheap, used Teslas without giving a cent to Musk. Plenty of people that already bought them now want to sell them because they are worried about vandals. But if that’s not a concern for you, then good news!
Still not anywhere near cheap enough for me to make any sense. I just think people are being disingenuous when they say things like the other responder who said they couldn’t be paid enough to drive one. Doubt.
Eco-friendly but socio-pathic.
I want to know how many in the remaining percent have a snowball’s chance in hell of affording one. I’d never buy one, but I never planned to in the first because it’s stupid to overpay for “luxury” cars.