That meme is fucking dumb.
That meme is fucking dumb.
He knews that, and as hard it is to me to say it (because real people get hurt by this) this is just a distraction from his actual goal of turning us into authoritarianism and surrendering to Russia.
I know many people think this is over exaggerating, but let assume we have someone else than trump, someone who is actual Russian asset. What kind of things that person would do that trump haven’t done yet?
Jon also talks about it here:
Hmm, he actually looks like a literal knob, maybe a bit dirty, but a knob nonetheless.
The thing is that he also was the reason why the stock was so inflated in the first place. I think that’s why they still keep him.
If they remove him out likely will fall further, on the other hand if no one is buying their cars the company is nothing but a scam stock.
EU still needs resources from US though. Remember the Russian gas they were so dependent before 2022? It was largely replaced with American gas.
Germans and Austrians still remember the horrors that extremism can cause. It is so sad that US completely forgot.
Bernie is (unfortunately) a rare exception.
Yeah, it’s not just mental capacity, her decisions right now no longer will affect her. We should have a younger people whose these policies will also impact.
No matter, your view on her, it really is time to retire, she is 84.
Because he faces a massive lawsuit.
I agree with him, musk should climb into a rocket and be blasted into space (preferably towards the sun).
Many do too, albeit they aren’t celebrities and are less visible, but Bernie is on another level.
We desperately need more people like them:
Are rangers responsible for prescription burns?
I understand why they targeted other agencies, but still don’t fully understand why they did this to rangers.
If they do, then perhaps this is his attempt to make fires in California worse.
California has a lot of land that is designated as federal parks.
Exactly and frankly it is time to primary the corporate Democrats who do nothing, the corporations showed us they are actually for what trump does. We need more people like Bernie, like AOC, like Warren, people that actually want things to improve for average people.
Also we need more younger people who would fight
Well the 3% is just interesting tidbit, but the video should be watched by everyone.
The main point is that we are being trained to not think independently and let the sites tell us what to think. Our current political situation is exactly because of this.
This video kind of illustrates it:
It’s insane, I heard that those that are here legally are apparently very against illegal immigration (frankly also not that hard to believe).
The thing is that with this administration who is here legally and who is not is very loosely defined.