We’re not living in capitalism, we’re living in the mutant child version of it, corpo-kleptocracy.
No. This is exactly what capitalism does. Make no excuse for it.
There is no “better” capitalism. The whole point of capitalism is unlimited, unchecked growth. Even if you contain it for a time and it’s not so bad, it will work slowly (at first) to erode all safeguards. It will always become this.
I agree with you! We’re living in the end results of it. A socialist system works better. It works for the Scandinavians.
The Scandinavian countries are capitalist, not socialist, and they’re experiencing the exact same capitalist decay as the rest of us.
A social democracy and socialism are nothing alike
You’re pretty uninformed about what these fundamental concepts are, and especially in light of the state of the world today you should consider taking some time to really learn about what they mean.
Well, I’m always happy to learn. Where would be a good place to start? This is a genuine question.
You can begin on Wikipedia, tbh. Concepts like socialism, communism, capitalism, etc. are pretty well defined there and neutrally so. I am a leftist, so most of my other sources are within that ideology and would be considered biased.
Socialism isn’t about providing welfare, but about democratizing the economy so that workers can make economic decisions in a fair way. Currently economic decisions are made by a small ownership class (capitalists) and driven by the profit motive. Profit doesn’t always mean what’s best, just what makes the owners more money. Socialism allows workers to make decisions without this profit motive being the primary consideration, and while reaping the benefits of their own output.
A government that taxes corporations and the wealthy to fund social programs is better than one that doesn’t, but that doesn’t do much to empower workers or allow economic decision making by the working class. That’s the key difference.
Thank you, I will take a look!
Capitalism, like communism, looks good on paper. But humans suck, so any system will eventually be corrupted by those who seek power at the expense of others.
But yeah, the US was never truly capitalistic.
There’s a difference though. To the extent that a communist society fails in it’s goals, it’s because of people’s failure to achieve them.
The problems with capitalism are inevitable consequences of the system. Competition is theoretically supposed to keep things in check, but that just doesn’t really pass the smell test for real life. We essentially never have markets that work like the mythical economic model of many sellers and many buyers so that nobody can be a price setter. Plus, competitions are meant to be won. Companies aren’t working to keep each other in the race. The goal is to drive out your competition and become a monopoly. Maybe there are brief periods where things stay competitive, but even small differences in success can compounded to further solidify your advantage, in turn making it easier to keep doing that. And that’s just if everything started our fairly, which it obviously didn’t.
Then there is the divide between capital and labor. In order for there to be wage workers, there must be a population of people who don’t own what they need to keep themselves alive. Otherwise there wouldn’t be capitalists, there would just be people using their own property to produce their own goods. And once we’ve established that this is a necessary part of capitalism, we have to acknowledge that workers wanting to be paid the most possible and to buy things for the cheapest possible is in direct opposition to the capitalist’s need to pay workers as little as possible and sell their goods for as much as possible. This isn’t some anomalously evil behavior, it’s the kind of optimization required to be the winner in the market competition. So even if you had a benevolent capitalist who decided to pay more and sell for less, they would just lose to someone else who is actually playing to win. And thus in the long term, the system filters out this altruistic behavior as a natural consequence of it’s mechanisms.
Furthermore, this need to divide capital from labor is in tension with the possibility that people could just take the stuff you’re hoarding. Because if they have nothing, you have an abundance, and you’re just one person, then it’d be the rational thing to do to take the stuff without having to work for you. Thus, in order for this divide between capital and labor to be maintained, there must be a concept of property rights that is enforced with some kind of organized violence, either by the state or by private security.
The other symptoms of capitalism naturally flow from these core principles.
Corporate capture of the political system? Aside from the state existing to enforce private property rights in the first place, the inequality created by the outcomes of competition and the capital/labor divide creates power imbalances that can be used to influence governments more than those with less power.
Climate change and environmental destruction due to over-consumption? You don’t make money from selling less stuff or from paying for things you don’t need to pay for. So you do things to induce demand like advertising, planned obsolescence, and influencing policy to kill green energy and public transportation, etc. There’s no reason for a corporation, a profit maximizing machine, to do anything that wouldn’t optimize it’s profits. If it did anything else, it would lose to someone who did do that.
This meme: Privatization of public goods. If there is something you could make a profit from, a corporation must exploit that thing to maximize profits and win the competition. So there is an incentive to take things that aren’t commodities and turn them into commodities. This is sort of related to the divide of labor and capital as well. In order to be able to sell people things, they need to not have those things and not have a means of acquiring those things outside of buying them from capitalists, which in turn means needing to work for capitalists. If you had adequate access to food, housing, water, clothing, and medical care, you’d have no reason to buy those things from capitalists and would therefore have way less of a reason to put up with working for them. So those things must be withheld. This is also part of why there has been a problem with loneliness and the destruction of communities. Communities support each other. If your friend is willing to drive you to the doctor (or better yet, if there’s public transportation), you don’t need to call a taxi/ride share. If someone is willing to help feed you when things are going bad, maybe you don’t need to work another shift at some shitty job. If you have people you can enjoy socializing with by just talking or doing some free activity like taking a walk in the park, then maybe you don’t spend money to buy as much entertainment as you would if you were alone. Maybe you don’t have a social media account or don’t spend a lot of time on it just so that you can get some kind of socializing.
These are all bad things done to us by bad people. But the problem isn’t that the specific people in power happen to be bad and ruin what would otherwise be a good system. The bad people being in power is the inevitable end result of the system.
Capitalism would work if everyone played fair and all members of society were able to make informed decisions. Unfortunately businesses are always allowed to lie and cheat their way to success because they hold the power through capital.
Comminism would work if everyone played fair and all members of society were able to make informed decisions. Unfortunately the communist party is always allowed to lie and cheat their way to success because they hold the power through purity tests.
Most systems would work a lot better if they didn’t require all participation to be in good faith.
Obviously it’s the point you’re making, but this is pretty reductive
Bad faith participation disappears pretty rapidly if there’s nothing to gain from it.
Centralised power structures are fundamentally a big part of most of our problems.
You don’t require universal good faith if those working in bad faith are unable to amass any substantial power.
There’s plenty of flavours of left-wing ideology built around decentralised power structures
You don’t require universal good faith if those working in bad faith are unable to amass any substantial power.
No, but it is a trade off from substantial power over a larger group for a lot of small time bad faith actors having an easier time affecting a smaller group. Like how a small town sheriff can be malicious on their own without needing an organized state level party to enact their abuses of power.
I’m not sure which is better or worse overall, but definitely agree that too much centralization ends up with opportunities to do far more damage to a larger population in a shorter period of time.
The left wing ideologies referred to by the original commentator don’t just have small scale hierarchies, they reject hierarchies and authorities in general. No sheriff.
Woohoo! Vigilante justice!
No, still not getting it. You’re imagining today’s society without authority.
That’s like thinking veganism is when you’re eating a bun with lettuce and no burger.
It’s fundamentally different, and there are many examples of societies like that in history.
Your caricature is only showing the limits of your imagination and your lack of knowledge
People who do the “all systems are the same maaaaaaaan, humans just suck maaaaaan” should be forced to live as feudal peasents.
Humans don’t suck, you just live under a system that conditions you to be apathetic and misanthropic.
Democracy hasn’t worked all of the times it’s been tried why even bother human nature capitalist realism no other way literally give up
thats just capitalism. weve seen it take this form over and over again now.
What is needed is a President who will bust up the companies, someone like Teddy Roosevelt, except without the racism.
no president will ever do that. in capitalism, the companies and elites are the ones who truly control the government and they won’t let it happen this time.
the last time it did was because there was a true risk of revolution in the US, because of the 1929 crash. (the new deal)
hell, they didnt even let obama give you actual healthcare, when he had everything cleared for it to happen, and conditions are worse for the us at this time.
probably wont help that their current president is seizing dictatorial power atm.
Ackktuaally real capitalism has never been tried those were vanguard states
“These gentlemen think that when they have changed the names of things they have changed the things themselves.”
Whatever vision of Capitalism you’re dreaming of, if it ever existed it would only be a temporary state. You cannot prevent end stage capitalism with reforms, only delay it.
Looks like we don’t get another delay.
The only critique I have is that there should have also been an iPad with a minimum 25% tip.
Don’t forget the convenience charge, then there’s a booking fee, as well as payment processing fee to top it off
I had to call Kaiser the other day to get a doctors note for work. Two second call where the guy asked me what I needed. I told him I needed a doctors note for stomach issues. No follow up questions. No medical advice. No attempt to find out what was going on or anything. Made up a doctors note for me and sent it to my inbox.
Two weeks later I get a $185 bill for “visiting their facilities”.
When I feel a little sick in the morning, I text my boss from the bed, turn off the alarms and sleep all day. Finland.
Imagine a guy with lots of money taking a job and getting a doctors note daily just to fuck with the place, and when they fire him he successfully sues them so they have to keep him on even though he never actually clocks in for any reason.
Ah man, that’d be funny.
I’m reading a book by Philip K. Dick (“Ubik”), where everything in the fictional future is coin operated: doors, toasters, showers, everything.
Feels like he either predicted this world we live in, or caused it.
If you think that’s amazing there was this guy in the mid 1800s that was a penpal of president Lincoln that predicted the hell we currently live in.
Who was that? Or any more details? I’m intrigued!
Edit: do you just mean marx? That’s less intriguing, not wrong, but less intriguing.
as with any source of insight from the 1800s,
It was Marx
deleted by creator
Amazing book, btw. Like one long fever dream.
I’m like 3/4 of the way through it and yes. I’m surprised at all the turns it’s taken already and just how floaty the characters are. Probably a lot of parallels with how I understand the author’s life got in the 60s. ☮
Posting this meme costs $10
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Anyone that responds to this comment will be billed $20
Thinking about this post later in the day will cost $1.95 per thought
I copy/pasted your comment. Now I can read it for free at my leisure.
I just read the copy & pasted version instead of the original! Big Comment isn’t getting my money! 🏴☠️🏴☠️🏴☠️
$2 for reading the comment
+ $20 for responding to the comment
=$22 totalplus a new charge of copying ($3) and then pasting ($4 for every instance of pasting)
… and another $1.95 because you just thought of it again didn’t you?
Thinking like a true Ferengi.
$3 for referring to Ferenginar
$2 for licensing fees to Brunt
$0.78 to the Ferengi Commerce Authority
$20 for respondingWe’re billing you another $1.95 because you just thought of this meme again.
Almost had him. Forgot they’re immune to
jedi mind trickstelepathy.*dabo
After you finish reading this comment, you will forget you were ever gay.
I will be reminded, don’t worry.
As you say
The environmental impact: priceless
This comment?
🌾 Riceless 🍚
Rent: $1,500
Electric: $150
Internet: $100
Gas: $160
Food: $400
Phone: $60
Insurance: $166(per month over 6 months)
Total: $84 a day.
Hundred bucks a week for food? For 1 person?
That’s only $14 a day, I think that’s fair.
Depends a bit, but yes? My weekly groceries is like $150+ (closer to $170 or so most weeks) for two of us, and that’s living in a pretty shit-ass cheap state.
you know what i’ve come to suspicion lately?
actually, rent prices might be so high because there’s fewer houses/apartments than people looking for one, and that drives prices up (low supply, high demand), but the reason that supply is so low is because investors are predicting that the population number will fall in the future (due to low birth rate), so people’s demand for houses/apartments will be lower as well. so if they construct now, it might not pay out for them later on. that is why they’re waiting, and not constructing, and if people do the same, instead of buying houses now, buying them later (e.g. living with your parents), rent and housing prices might significantly go down.
Don’t they mean $70 per week subscription, because… why not!
No, $70 is just for a three hour block. Stop being poor.
Because you own neither the towel, nor the land! It is provided for you, so the least you can do is pay for it! Because… Well… Wait, I’ll get to it eventually… Hmm…
And that’s why I only leave the house to find food
Food costs quadruple
Housing costs double before you get home
I had been in the US for a few weeks last summer, it felt like this.
Don’t forget to tip!
Everywhere wants a tip. It’s insane to me.
Every time I go to the US, it feels like you’re expected to tip pretty much every one you interact with. It gets old so fast.
Stop interacting with people.
Wouldn’t be so bad if I had lots of 70 dollars to give.
No wage, only spend!
No spend, only hoard.
Why we have it so 1 peoples has all moneys and lots peoples has no money? Why again? How’s that good for peoples?
Amazon will undercut that guy and let you exist for $63.
Only until Amazon runs them out of business, then it’s up to $75 with a 10% increase each year
Nah… they’ll keep the $63 plan, but also offer you a $75 ad-free plan that reduces the ads to 20 hours a day.
Feudalism come back like crabgrass, because people who figure out how to benefit from it are far more motivated than those of us who just want to live. Pro tip: Rebrand it as Freedom!
You could also opt into the subscription model for $12.95 per month. $15.95 without ads (there are totally ads but, like, maybe a few less).
Stay there! You won’t find such a cheap place ever again!
A breath of fresh air is about 2200 USD so that’s actually cheap
Oh you don’t mean the bottle?
If it is per actual air, it’s about 2 cents per breath, cheap as hell