In response to suggestions by a lunatic in the US Oval Office, Green Party Canada’s leader Elizabeth May suggested Canada should invite western states Washington, Oregon and California join B.C and split from Canada to form the ‘Cascadia’ eco-state.

(Note this article is from Jan 8, 2025 and Elizabeth May has since become co-leader of the party alongside Jonathan Pedneault).

    29 days ago

    So there are levels of depth to this analysis. Yes, most people think about it very shallowly. Just saying I want out of the bad situation I am in. Kinda like the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Then there is where you are at. Hey what about all the thing we get from outside this new bubble. The level after that is, what do the outside places get from us. And how do they balance. There are plenty of places that don’t have thier own oil, yet they are fine because they produce something the places with oil need. That said, water is another sticking point for California depending on where the line ends up getting drawn.