“No, he’s not going to be president, that I can tell you,” Trump said. “And I’m safe. You know why he can’t be? He wasn’t born in this country.”

As you know a true leader has to keep saying they’re the real leader

  • rational_lib@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Our media is so stupid. The world’s richest man just bought the whole federal government and the MSM reaction is “Ooh, maybe there’s gonna be drama!”

    Sane-washing was the wrong word for what the media does with Trump. It’s more like reality-TV-washing. It makes everything he does seem like a TV show that’s not real, and they never talk to or about the real people who are harmed by poorly run government. When was the last time the MSM talked to or about the struggles of a homeless person, someone living in the ghetto, or an immigrant trapped in a broken system? But they talk to and about Elon Musk every fucking day. They’ve spoken more to Elon Musk about immigration than to all (other) immigrants combined.

    The media isn’t right-wing or left-wing, it’s entertainment-wing. It’s just a reality TV soap opera focused on characters and personalities, not informing people. We should stop pretending it’s a source of information, the MSM is a source of entertainment.