Or you know… it just means no updates and we’ll all probably be fine.
Dude, I would be hesitant to use an OS more than a month after EOL. I hope you realize that your OS no longer receiving security updates is a really, really, really bad thing. People staying on Win10 instead of upgrading to Linux or macOS or downgrading to Win11 is going to be zero day heaven.
I remember even TheTechnician27 tried to warn us “it’s going to be zero day heaven!” they said but everyone just shrugged and now here I am with my fellow refugees in the woods trying to catch some squirrels for my dinner.
Dude, I would be hesitant to use an OS more than a month after EOL. I hope you realize that your OS no longer receiving security updates is a really, really, really bad thing. People staying on Win10 instead of upgrading to Linux or macOS or downgrading to Win11 is going to be zero day heaven.
I regularly fire up my windows XP box to play hearts and muck about in Codewarrior
I remember even TheTechnician27 tried to warn us “it’s going to be zero day heaven!” they said but everyone just shrugged and now here I am with my fellow refugees in the woods trying to catch some squirrels for my dinner.
Excuse me? 🤨
You need a squirrel army to start the uprising to eat the rich, obviously
I’m sure they mean an elegant dinner party to honor them and not eating your extended family as a light snack before bedtime.
I think it would be wise to disconnect it from the internet, wifi and bluetooth; then it should be fine.
“downgrading” caught me off guard.