As title suggests, in your opinion what are some of the best recipes you know that have good leftovers?

We hate cooking everyday, and love when there are leftovers, especially tasty leftovers. What dishes in your recipe book lend themselves to tasty, easy to reheat leftover meals?

Cottage pie is probably the one I can think of that is dominant in our household. Cheap and tastes almost the same reheated.

  • In a way that doesn’t make it just become mush? Cuz, like, I make it al dente and it’s great; but if I save it and reheat it, its like super overcooked and that’s my main problem with leftover pasta. It loses all its chew.

      6 days ago

      It may depend on the way you reheat it.If you use the microwave then it may become mushy.

      You can try the oven like “pasta al forno” or “pasta pasticciata”. These recipes should spawn from the need to consume pasta leftovers.

      Or, you can try to reheat using some non sticky pan with oil. Depending on how much oil you use it can become some sort of fried pasta, with some very crunchy bits. It doesn’t come to my mind any recipes based on this way of reheating but I can assure you that every Italian has tried it and someone likes it more than fresh made pasta (including my SO)