
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner refused to sign a statement saying Donald Trump was not antisemitic, according to Michael Wolff’s new book “All or Nothing.”

The couple previously served as senior advisers but distanced themselves after the January 6 attack.

Wolff claims Trump sought their “Jewish cover” following his ambiguous stance on Israel post-October 7 Hamas attacks.

Kushner dodged repeated requests for a formal endorsement, eventually declining to label Trump as non-antisemitic.

    20 days ago
    en français :

    D’accord peut-être que la structure est la même … mais étant donné que j’ai de la difficulté à comprendre l’anglais, souvent je dois décomposer les phrases et les recomposer … c’est ce que j’ai dû faire dans le présent cas.


    inN enngrishh :

    Well ok maybe, but but but … i struggle understanding English since i was born french … so sometimes i have to, (like this once), decompose and recompose sentences to get ze meaning.