Speed running the nazi playbook.
Sometimes I can’t believe how domesticated USians are.
Fuck it. Close the borders. We good.
Let the queer folks come over first plz, we promise to be good Canadians.
Of fucking course!! If you can get to Ontario and need help getting settled/staying here please DM me. All queer folx are welcome at my house and in my country!!
I think the orange Cheerios still does not understand tariffs. Right now Canada isn’t paying any tariffs on imports, the people in the US n the other hand are paying tariffs on Mexican, Canadian, Colombian, Chinese … products.
More like he knows his base doesn’t understand tariffs, and when they make things worse they’ll believe it when he blames somebody else
Do you want Canada to pivot to China? Because that’s how you get Canada to pivot towards China… I think.
I’m just a dumb tropical dweller from the deep south, so I will not pretend to understand Canuck politics or the whims of their people, but history shows that even liberal, democratic nations sometimes turn to tyranical regimes for protection against bigger threats. See Finland during WW2.
Something, something, enemy of my enemy…
Just claim random insane bullshit that be easily disproven by a 5 year old, and don’t worry about it because the conspiracy theory and maga idiots will eat it up. You’re always right, remember?
Only after the last tree has been cut down
Only after the last river has been poisoned
Only after the last fish has been caught
Then will you find that money cannot be eaten.My bestie had this poster on her door when I was a kid. Indelible impression left.
You’d like to think so. But a shocking number of grown ass adults won’t get it.
Weird. This is the reaction I’d expect for a toddler, not a 14 year old.
Very brave of you to defend the honor of his melodramatic comment.
Bold words coming from the prime minister of New South Saskatchewan
I would love it. Don’t let us vote though, just bring us that healthcare and stuff.
You mean the gobernador of New Old New Mexico?
less like “Lebensraum” and more like an attempts at “Anschluss”
far better military protection
From whom? Polar bears? Santa Claus?
Yeah fuck Trump, but also please take a geography lesson.
If you have unlimited oil (?) why are you getting so salty about having to buy it from Canada ?
Is Canada supposed to be afraid of a country that couldn’t defeat Vietnamese rice farmers and Afghan goatherders?
I mean, the US military absolutely can and will roflstomp traditional governments and heirarchies. Both the Taliban (2001) Saddam’s gov’t were steamrolled. The followup of holding territory and “winning hearts and minds” is where they fall on their face.
And this threat really seems to be for the Canadian government and ‘elite’ rather than the people.