House Ethics Committee Chair Rep. Michael Guest has ended the committee’s investigation into former Rep.
Matt Gaetz after Gaetz withdrew from Trump’s attorney general nomination and announced he would not seek reelection.
Gaetz had faced allegations of paying a minor for sex and drug use, as well as federal investigations into sex trafficking and obstruction, though no charges were filed.
The committee’s report remains unreleased, with further review set for Dec. 5. Florida will hold a special election to fill Gaetz’s vacated congressional seat.
If you’re wondering why no criminal charges…
Merrick Garland dismissed charges like 9 months ago
Because the witnesses wouldn’t talk. Well, she is now. So why can’t we reopen this?
Also, I want to know exactly how Gaetz skated this time. He got serious dirt on other politicians?
Federal prosecutors have to weigh likelihood of securing a conviction. In this case they determined the likelihood wasn’t high enough. This isn’t because of a lack of evidence but rather whether witnesses (ie his victims) would have been convincing enough to a jury.
She wouldn’t talk, at the time, has now. Also, she started an OF site after turning 18. Prosecuters felt that action would damage her credibility. And yes, it would have.
And because this is lemmy I have to put a fucking disclaimer: I am not victim blaming, nor do I agree with the whole mess. It’s simply what happened.
His dad is absolutely loaded and a big wig in Florida.
Few bucks here and there and bada-bing, no charges.
Where have you heard that?
They cooperated against his conspirator, they’ve had civil suits…
I kind of pay attention to news, so I’d be surprised if I missed something about the victims (no idea why you said witnesses) stopped cooperating for a brief window and Garland immediately dropped charges.
Because man, even if that happened, it still makes no sense to close the case early.
Hey. Maybe I missed something though, I tried to find a source though, and if anything is out there I’m still missing it.
So, can you help me out and provide a source for this:
Because the witnesses wouldn’t talk.
One thing you can always count on in cases like this is that people online will find a way to blame the women…
He was my Congressman, so I’ve followed the case. Have you?
As I said, she wouldn’t talk at the time the case was dropped, but has since. Also, his scummy friend was expected to throw him under the bus after his conviction. Did not.
Get off your high horse Mr. White Knight.
I have, actually, and until you brought it up I had never heard that any witness were refusing to talk.
When the DOJ closed the case on Gaetz, it was widely reported that a “concern about witness credibility” was the reason why charges weren’t filled, but that story was never confirmed by the DOJ (they still haven’t commented, afaik) and instead was coming from “individuals who had been in contact with the DOJ”. I think it’s pretty safe to assume those individuals were Gaetz’ layers, so… yeah, best to take that story with a huge grain of salt. And anyway, that isn’t the same as a victim refusing to cooperate.
Now last week the lawyer of one of Gaetz’ victims has publicly acknowledged that his client did not what to testify at trial against Gaetz (which is pretty reasonable considering how MAGAts react to women accusing people in Trump’s orbit), but that’s still not the same as refusing to cooperate with the DOJ, and isn’t any reason to pin blame on the victim.
The “witnesses wouldn’t talk” part was from before current events, couple of years ago. That is why they dropped the case at that time.
Now the woman has testified, but she would not previously, and neither would his scummy friend, even after get thrown in the slammer.
Well. None of that is true either…