Let’s say that you have an opportunity to gain billions to fix the society from the top. Do you think that you would keep your integrity and use your money for the greater good, or that you would be corrupted by your power?
If so, would you still accept the offer knowing that you would just make the situation worse?
And if you believe in yourself, how would you try to convince an hypotetical entity to give you this wealth?
To avoid regrets let’s say that if you decline the offer your memory about the deal gets erased.
i think super rich people do fucked up shit because:
- that’s the only way you become mega-rich, and
- they want more
if i already have ‘infinite’ money, why would i want more, and since i’m getting this via magic or something, there’s no incentive to be evil in order to become or remain mega-rich. in short, yeah, i reckon i’d be alright, and we’d all be better off in the long run.
- that’s the only way you become mega-rich
People have become billionaires by literal lottery. They’re not evil geniuses; don’t flatter them by suggesting so.
Lottery winners don’t often stay wealthy forever though
True. Then again, you don’t hear a lot about the Carnegies anymore either. Social mobility just works in both directions, and about as often.
Social mobility just works in both directions, and about as often.
Yeah, no, that’s a massive streaming pile of self soothing bullshit that isn’t convincing anyone but you.
You want to have a look at the hard numbers? Give me a moment to gather sources. Basically, it’s a random walk, and the ever-worse inequality is induced by the upper end “spreading out”.
I’m below the poverty line myself, BTW. I am not one of the winners who would need to self-sooth.
according to this list, nobody has gotten a billion from a lottery, yet. but sure, i guess that is the way to get rich, without having to exploit others. i also feel like i ought to point out that i never accused anyone of being evil geniuses, just evil.
edit: fixed link
It’s actually really hard to get a billion dollars directly from the lottery.
You pay like 60% (or more maybe?) taxes if you take it as a lump sum. And still lots of taxes if you annuitize it, and then it will take too long to be a billionaire unless you win it in your 20s maybe.
You also have to win a full billion in the first place, and someone else pointed out the highest winnings are actually juust short. So, technically I was wrong, although the point still stands.
There’s been several winning jackpots over a billion now. There was one a couple weeks ago.
I will hire people much smarter than me to fix those problems. Climate change? 100 billion to the scientist with the green coat. Poverty? 80 billion to the guy who gave away his only scrap of food. I will become the master delegator. Heck I’ll even have a guy who will do the delegating. Literally have the money do the work for you.
- Build lots of free housing everywhere
- Lowers rent significantly
- Create a new healthcare provider that everyone is automatically included in with fees of $0
- Healthcare providers will have to lower their fees to even try to compete
- Lobby government for fairness doctrine to he reinstated
- Right-wing media gets neutered
- Create plentiful public food gardens
- Retailers have to lower their prices
- Create a 500km tall gold statue of myself
- Satellites now have to clear larger orbits.
- Shining dong to inspire the masses
For the monument to your hubris, maybe make it a space elevator too? Also satellites can totally get around your enormous shining dong, it won’t successfully clear LEO like you hope.
Also satellites can totally get around your enormous shining dong, it won’t successfully clear LEO like you hope.
*narrows eyes*
what have you heard?
- Build lots of free housing everywhere
If its just a money printer then you are basically just a federal reserve/ central bank. I would make myself rich and then buy up a bunch of property to convert into coops and a bunch of wild land to turn to reserves, also some big donations to hospitals. Anything more and I wouldn’t trust my ability to predict the economic effects.
Literal infinite may be problematic. Let’s say that I became rich enough by lottery for example. I for sure would live comfortably. But I trust myself to foster positive changes, but have in mind that collective problems can only be solved by collective solutions. Having money gives you power to mobilize people to work, but for the society structure to change, you need more than just that, you will need political change with population support, and that’s demand time and a lot of work.
you will political change with population support, and that’s demand time and a lot of work.
To be fair, this is exactly what Rupert Murdoch is doing for the right wing around the world.
For his own gain.
2 chicks at the same time and no one would starve or be withought shelter.
…“I’ll tell you what I’d do, man”…
Lol if I had truly infinite money, this is a story of what I would do.
I would first have a “magical investment bank” that would promise 200% per annum with interest paid monthly, but only if paid in cash and at least 50 million to start. Have this scheme open for a few months with actual results and interest paid out. This is to get billionaires and megacorps to liquidate their assets into soon to be worthless monetary instruments. Then, everyone in the world but the top 0.1% would get 1 trillion. Everyone’s debt is virtually erased, and the old top 0.1% can go ahead, get their money back and feel bad about themselves. With all currency effectively rebased to a billion times than previously, now we can work on solving the world’s problems as shoulder-to-shoulder equals. Give the world food, give the world shelter, give the world healthcare, give the people of the world a purpose, give the people socioeconomic freedom, give them trains, give the world a chance at reversing disastrous effects of climate change.
If it didn’t work, then my money would be just as worthless any way (unless my infinite money powers could manifest in bottle caps or whatever the newest thing people found value in was).
No, not because I’d necessarily be corrupted, but because I’m a dipshit who doesn’t know shit about fuck, I’d probably, crash the world economy completely on accident and then have an emotional breakdown about the fact that I’d ruined billions of lives without knowing how to fix it.
I would take it but it would be quite a job to manage that. If literally infinite, and not an amount, it would break the idea of money, right?
I’m not sure society can be fixed from the top but would be interested to see what happens if grants are directed in ways that grow the bottom part of the economy, could it be made vibrant, can the value be circulated around not exploited? Can the land be restored? The oceans? How do you audit to prevent fraud, to keep it from making things worse?
I would be very happy to not have to worry about my personal budget but to have the responsibility to try to fix the world with money seems like an impossible task. Money could fix my personal situation, but can it fix everything? Probably not.
I do think I would try though, yeah.
Buy all the debt. Then fuck off into the sunset. Humanity is better off for it.
I think this is sort of a pandora’s box too. Buying the debt off means paying the banks, LOTS. So you’d not only inflate all currency to oblivion, but make banks the richest entities by far. That’s dangerous.
Hmmm…so then keep your money secret, fund a space program that pays more than SpaceX, NASA and Blue origin or what ever.
The. Use that wealth to build a colony ship. Fuck off to a new planet?
A Jubilee year should happen regardless. Yeah.
Do you think that you would keep your integrity and use your money for the greater good, or that you would be corrupted by your power?
I suppose it’s a matter of perspective. Very few people in the world ever see themselves as actually evil. Every villain is the hero in their own story.
But if we recognize basic truths about people’s preferences, I think a greater good can be achieved. Everyone wants a place to call home and good food on the table. Everyone wants good health and to have a sense of purpose or meaning to their lives.
This is universal, regardless of race, sex, gender, nationality, language (I can’t include religion as some religions demand the oppression & extermination of others).
I’d get YouTube premium
If this is a magical entity, then I would just tell it to give me $100 for every $1,000,000 I use for charitable work that doesn’t directly benefit me.
If I give away $1,000,000 100,000 times, that’s 100 billion dollars of charitable work. And my net worth would “only” be 10 million dollars, certainly wealthy, but not idiotically wealthy. Plenty for me to invest and have doctor money levels of passive income, but only by giving away the vast vast majority of the money I get.
Or I guess I could just ask the entity to cap my net worth at 10 million dollars, and only give me that money when I have given away some arbitrary amount of money it gives me, like 500 billion dollars or something, Idk.
I think I would be fine. I already have limited wealth and I’m directing a significant portion of it to the betterment of the world around me. If my wealth/income increased tenfold (as an example) I don’t think I’d be able to find a use for more than, idk, 15-20% of the additional money? So I’d just heavily ramp up the funds going to charities and local causes.
Extending this out to the infinite wealth scenario, I’d be able to help more causes so I’d need to find out which charities are actually putting money to use for what they say they are, extend my mindset beyond local causes and to the whole globe. Almost certainly drop some fat stacks into buying out basically every fossil fuel corp and start the process of getting that shit phased out. Sure I make some terrible people rich(er) in the short term with the buyouts but fuck it, the environment needs to be prioritized.
How I’d convince this hypothetical entity? Idk, probably just explain all of the above and I guess show some hard data on my track record for this. If the entity is determined to put the money in the hands of someone who is going to do good, either I’ll be good enough or I won’t.
If its not infinite and “just” billions then I’m probably going to funnel about half of it into local (national) causes and the other half into affecting what positive change I can worldwide. Process for convincing the entity remains the same.
If I had infinite money, everyone would have infinite money.
Except Steve. Fuck you, Steve
If everyone has infinite money, it would suddenly become worthless and society would quickly fall into chaos. You must be an anarchist.
You know too much. I will get to you first.
Right after I deal with Steve
Edit: In all honesty, I’d probably try and do a Manfred Macx, propping up technologies and social change aimed at leveling the playing field between the rich and the poor.
I’d be good at first but then slowly get corrupted as I continue on feeling disconnected. The change will be so gradual thatI wouldn’t realize until it’s too late