These people are always about the opposite of what they say they value. Competition? In the free market? Fuuuuuck that noise. We want massive subsidies poured into making poisonous products like beef while using up staggering amounts of water, land, and fuel, while poisoning the planet, because fuck you.
Probably their same view on other aspects of (actual) freedom, like abortion and freedom FROM religion, and so on. You are welcome to it, but first, you have to GTFO.
This is one reason why I keep referring to states with legal weed “free states”. That’s why I love loving in Colorado. For the states that had trigger laws that kicked in on abortion the minute the illegitimate “supreme” court reversed 50 years of legal precedent, I started calling those states Gilead states.
The qons and the Enlightened Centrists ™ think that kind of frank language is just all too much, man, but I don’t think it is hyperbole at all.
So they are not, in fact, “welcome to it”.
These people are always about the opposite of what they say they value. Competition? In the free market? Fuuuuuck that noise. We want massive subsidies poured into making poisonous products like beef while using up staggering amounts of water, land, and fuel, while poisoning the planet, because fuck you.
Probably their same view on other aspects of (actual) freedom, like abortion and freedom FROM religion, and so on. You are welcome to it, but first, you have to GTFO.
The only thing I’ll buy in Nebraska is gasoline and that’s so I can get the fuck OUT of Nebraska.
Time to stock up on weed and cultivated meat from Colorado!
This is one reason why I keep referring to states with legal weed “free states”. That’s why I love loving in Colorado. For the states that had trigger laws that kicked in on abortion the minute the illegitimate “supreme” court reversed 50 years of legal precedent, I started calling those states Gilead states.
The qons and the Enlightened Centrists ™ think that kind of frank language is just all too much, man, but I don’t think it is hyperbole at all.
Great, I’m sure your clever coinages are all that we’ll need to overturn all that state oppression.