Now, since bOtH SiDeS aRe ThE sAmE, watch as Democrats file 600 lawsuits and scream about election fraud for 4 years, never once acknowledging the fact that there’s been no evidence of any /s
I’m personally totally cool accepting that the majority of my countrymates are selfish pieces of shit. It totally fits with own experiences and the things I’ve seen on the news. I no longer have to wonder. Also probably true for most of the rest of the world, I dunno
Now, since bOtH SiDeS aRe ThE sAmE, watch as Democrats file 600 lawsuits and scream about election fraud for 4 years, never once acknowledging the fact that there’s been no evidence of any /s
I’m personally totally cool accepting that the majority of my countrymates are selfish pieces of shit. It totally fits with own experiences and the things I’ve seen on the news. I no longer have to wonder. Also probably true for most of the rest of the world, I dunno