Q The Misanthrope

I like to call it a significant career change.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 18th, 2023


  • My server is exactly as I need. Basically 1 year old now. This year I really want to do vlans to control the network more than an off the shelf router. I work in tech and still am struggling because all I know is meraki bullshit and that’s not priced for the typical home user.

    I’ll need a few AP’s and a switch and firewall. I don’t know what to get or what to buy and each research session ends with more options than I started with. Anyway that’s my goal. I’ll get there eventually.

  • As a child, the house we grew up in had a very large tree in our back yard. I had a memory of burying some skeleton keys near it but couldn’t remember where. The house was old enough that we’d find skeleton keys occasionally and also as a kid they are special.

    I searched for days, weeks, months… Digging holes all over the yard and under the tree. I recruited neighborhood kids and friends.

    For two summers we searched for buried treasure. Never found them. Might have been a dream I had of burying the keys. I still think about it occasionally and wonder. The tree is long gone and the truth is I’ll never know for sure.