Consider average intelligence, consider now that half of them are dumber than that.
Consider average intelligence, consider now that half of them are dumber than that.
I mean a lot of companies are like “stop it we don’t want to be a generic trademark!” because it can cause them problems.
I’d sooner go to prison
Yeah but you can literally just turn this off with no fuss.
1.Firefox for Android.
2.Tap the menu button.
3.Tap. Settings.
4.Tap Homepage.
5.Deselect Sponsored shortcuts under Shortcuts.
Point of order aren’t bird calls basically just “SEX?”
I like the myth of the police, not actual cops, I like Simon Pegg in Hot Fuzz, actual cops can suck a nard
cool not me then
I took a test once and it told me I was a filthy socialist.
It is my core belief that corporations need to be hit with big sticks regularly to keep them in check
I don’t know what a tankie is and at this point I’m afraid to ask.
I think the two handles were just put in at different times, or are made of different materials.
If the top handle was “dirty” the discoloration would be localized around the gripping point
“which he signed into law in 2020.” You’ve got to be fucking kidding
I believe it has something to do with oh I don’t know, the United States devoting more money to war than nearly every other country put together, or mayhaps the 750~ military bases the US have got scattered all about.
Gurren Lagan, to second like a dozen people. Kill la Kill is A+ if you can get over it being weird Also I adored Promare.
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For all we know that’s one of the things he warned them about.
Requirement: let me play the video games I want to play that have anticheat
A stiff requirement