Thinking of a robot which can draw basic shapes upon command. Ideally, a voice command, but if that’s too complex, we can start off with a different type of command. I’m a python programmer, but have zero experience with adruino and the like. Please give me some advice to help me get started.

    3 months ago

    Bruh my ex defended her bachelors with a project exactly like this. It involves a CNC machine (stepper motors, drivers, control board, frame, CNC senders), servoes to pick up / put down the pen so it doesn’t constantly draw etc.

    It isn’t a science fair project and will cost a shitload to make. Voice activation is also another beast entirely.

    I built two homemade CNCs for milling, if you don’t know what you are doing, then it will take half a year to understand everything, wire it, setup a frame etc. Impossible to do for a 9 year old (and I don’t think science faires are for the parents to make shit for their kids)