I’m backing up my windows device today and plan on installing a Linux distro. My primary use for this PC is gaming, though I do complete some banking and other tasks I find cumbersome on my phone.
My technical skill level is “knows enough to get into the shit, but not enough to get out.” I did use Ubuntu exclusively for a period of about 3-5 years over a decade ago.
One con I’ve found regarding this OS is that it has “no browser in Live environment,” but I have no idea what that means.
If anyone has experience with this OS or good tips/recommendations, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance.
I was considering that distro a while back, but they do have a warning that it has issues so it’s not really suitable for new users. Btw there ain’t much point in gaming distros, you can use mint cinnamon and it gets exactly the same performance and it’s noob friendly and stable.
And live environment means you can use it from the usb installation media before installing. Idk why it doesn’t have a browser in it though.
I’ve decided to run a few common distros from USB to see which I like better after the advice here. I think I was overcomplicating things.
Yeah the best way to choose a distro is to just try them and see which one works. Every now and then I forget that and I start distrohopping. I always go back to mint because simply nothing else works well enough on my HW.