Democratic capitalism (capitalism + democracy) alongside a strong and efficient social welfare system is what I personally adhere to.
Democratic capitalism (capitalism + democracy) alongside a strong and efficient social welfare system is what I personally adhere to.
Meritocracy. Compulsory voting but one needs to pass a simple single choice test before being allowed to vote. Test would contain questions relevant to the vote and all the questions (pool of one or two hundred when the actual test would have up to 10 questions) would be publicly available before.
Brexshit would never happened and most the populists/fascists would never be elected.
You just reinvented Jim Crow!
Found a USian 🙄
Yes I am. That doesn’t negate the fact that poll tests are a really fucking stupid idea. Indeed, the fact that my country has a pretty disgusting history with them should help reiterate the point that they’re really fucking bad.
Did it ever occur to you that tests introduced with an aim to discriminate may give different results to polls introduced by impartial, apolitical body with the intention to ensure people actually know what they are voting for?
You can intend for the governing body that decides the tests to be impartial and apolitical all you want, but what you’re doing is creating a power structure that controls who has access to the ballot. Regardless how well meaning your intentions are, that system will always invite abuse. It’s always going to be easier for fascists and authoritarians to corrupt your well-meaning system to deny access to the ballot to their opposition rather than trying to win on merit. That’s how electoral systems ALWAYS fail. It’s not always a test, but the authoritarians find a way to manipulate the voting system. By creating a test you’re just making the system MUCH easier to corrupt.
Complete and utter tosh, although since you are from the USA I can understand why you are seeing the state in such ridiculous way.
There is a number of countries which are real democracies with proper separation of powers and impartial civil service, ie one which is not replaced by a president of the day and not stuffed with his cronies. And belive or not, these people (or “unelected bureaucrats” how idiots like to call them) toghther with intelligentsia are perfectly capable of putting such process in place.
Voting should be restricted to people who know what they are voting for. As as example, a racist gammon who doesn’t have a clue what benefits EU brings to the UK should have no say in a decision if the UK is a member of the EU.
The same with any other elections - simple fact checking questions would get rid of the ignorant bunch who prefer to belive lies. Thus the name “meritocracy” - system in which university professors (example of course, it is about understanding what is being decided, not about titles) and halfwits don’t have the same say in how a country is ruled.
So you just want an oligarchy?
All you’re doing is finding a bunch of different ways of saying the people who already have socioeconomic power should be the ones who have all the political power. People with the financial means and time to educate themselves on esoteric areas of policy to a sufficient level as to mollify the people put in charge of the tests to access the ballot are the only ones who should be allowed to vote?
No, that’s some anti-democratic bullshit.
Can you read?
It also occurs to me that such a party will not and cannot exist.
What party?
That party.
Can you read?
That’s not a meritocracy. That just benefits those that already have power and access to good education.
Read again. This has nothing to do with education.
How silly…
Of you, yes. Try to read again, slowly:
Right, and who do you think would have time to read about the fucking vote? Who do you think would have the means to learn about the complex aspects that relate to it? Who do you think would have the knowledge to even understand it to begin with? Time, means, effort. Who do you think would have the time, the means, and the foresight to learn to answer the damn questions?
You are blind. The world we live in, the societies we live in, they are not fair. If you put a test, the rich, powerful, and those with access to superior education WILL be over-represented because they have power and education, they WILL vote everyone else out, they WILL control everything. You are NOT testing merit, you are testing ease of access to information, you are testing power, you are testing capital.
You are an idiot. As such, you shouldn’t have a say or vote for issues you don’t have a clue about.
I say you’re the idiot and you can’t vote. No givebacks.
Who decides what’s on the test?
Doesn’t matter as long as they’re exactly as knowledgable as I am or, failing that, slightly less so /s
Questions relevant to the vote - so for example in the Brexshit referendum, questions would be about the impact of Brexshit, amount of money paid to the EU etc.
Selected by apolitical civil service, electoral commission etc.Yes, that may be challenging in certain countries where everything is political.