Smoking proves that you officially Don’t Give a Shit about your long-term health, and Not Giving a Shit is the essence of being cool. I mean, I guess for a long time now “cool” has just meant “good,” but the original “cool” aesthetic was all about acting like you were probably going to die young and looking sexy doing it.
Edit: And smoking definitely contributes to the sexy part. Smoldering embers. Oral fixation. Taking a long drag and letting it out slowly. Maybe it’s not for you, but it sure pushes my buttons, and I know it’s not just me.
Worked on me. Been a lifelong problem and by the time I was old enough to realize it wasn’t cool I was hooked. I collected camel dollars as a child.
I thought I looked so rad at 11 marching down the road with a cigarette. I see that now and it just looks so wrong. It’s still like that where I’m from too. Little kids with cigarettes are a common sight.
I never understand why people would think smoking looks cool
Smoking proves that you officially Don’t Give a Shit about your long-term health, and Not Giving a Shit is the essence of being cool. I mean, I guess for a long time now “cool” has just meant “good,” but the original “cool” aesthetic was all about acting like you were probably going to die young and looking sexy doing it.
Edit: And smoking definitely contributes to the sexy part. Smoldering embers. Oral fixation. Taking a long drag and letting it out slowly. Maybe it’s not for you, but it sure pushes my buttons, and I know it’s not just me.
idk but the smell is a big turn off for being sexy
Nobody ever said smoking smells cool.
Years of money and effort from tobacco companies to expose people to advertising to convince them that smoking is cool and sexy. It worked.
Worked on me. Been a lifelong problem and by the time I was old enough to realize it wasn’t cool I was hooked. I collected camel dollars as a child.
I thought I looked so rad at 11 marching down the road with a cigarette. I see that now and it just looks so wrong. It’s still like that where I’m from too. Little kids with cigarettes are a common sight.
Just look at that kid! That’s cool as fuck!
It doesn’t, but this is meme, not real life.