Rip good buddy:
Don’t forget the collapsed view, where you could fit twice as many toggles as the bullshit we have now.
Gross, it looks way too much like iOS for my taste. Glad I’m switching away from Google controlled android anyway, I’ll be customized back to the old stuff if I have to.
Google is continuing its work to split up Android’s notifications and Quick Settings panels.
Holy shit, can we stop copying this stupid feature from the iPhone???
Sure hope there’s a setting to keep both together (OneUI does this), I find the split panels so annoyingUS companies think the world is the same as America, so if Apple does something, everyone scrambles to copy for the sake of picking up their dregs. Samsung have already implemented this UX, so Google are now outliers, they’ve kinda got no choice.
Good. I hate the double swipe down to adjust brightness.
god android was so much better before like… 2016. never forget what’s been taken from you
So they put the WiFi and mobile data toggles back? And made the rest a sensible size again? No? Bugger.
You can resize all the toggles now
Oh cool
Sorry, is this in current android or the beta? I’d love to know how
Beta. It’ll be available in Android 16