Clinton followed a bunch of Heritage foundation right lite policies just like Obama. It’s all billionaire backed bull shit to give to the rich at the expense of the rest of us. Clinton gutted workers power with NAFTA, handed billions to private prisons with his “crack down on super predators” policies, and helped along the 2008 crash with his banking deregulation. We haven’t had a true democrat in this country since Carter and that is directly because of billionaire money in politics.
Clinton followed a bunch of Heritage foundation right lite policies just like Obama. It’s all billionaire backed bull shit to give to the rich at the expense of the rest of us. Clinton gutted workers power with NAFTA, handed billions to private prisons with his “crack down on super predators” policies, and helped along the 2008 crash with his banking deregulation. We haven’t had a true democrat in this country since Carter and that is directly because of billionaire money in politics.