I know this is a shitpost, but what’s interesting is that even though USB doesn’t directly interrupt the CPU it’s still faster. USB is able to get the entire packet sent before PS2 even sends one. It’s very interesting. So if you ever see anyone unironically saying there is less latency call them out!
Yeah but try pressing more than 4 keys at once on the PS2 keyboard and get back to me
That is a limitation of the keyboard not PS/2. Unlike USB which is limited to 10 simultaneous key presses, PS/2 supports full n-key rollover.
USB is not limited to 10, or 6 as is sometimes stated.
Interesting I did not know that.
I know this is a shitpost, but what’s interesting is that even though USB doesn’t directly interrupt the CPU it’s still faster. USB is able to get the entire packet sent before PS2 even sends one. It’s very interesting. So if you ever see anyone unironically saying there is less latency call them out!
A bunch of those points about ps2 are no longer accurate, it’s emulated on modern computers.
Don’t tell me they nerfed ps2
Sad day to have eyes
Sad days tp ahve a PS2 keyboard ot mouse
Jesus, proofread before hitting send.