The Israeli government is murdering children and committing war crimes, and they’re upset about what The Onion has to say about it.
The ironic thing is, conflating any and all criticism of the state of Israel with anti-semitism could be argued as anti-semitic itself, because to suggest that jewish people in general and the Israeli state/military are one in the same such that criticism of the later is also hateful towards the former, is also to suggest that jewish people as a whole are responsible for the actions of Israel.
As cultural groups as a whole are inherently unable to be guilty of crimes (since even if a large number of people belonging to one commit some crime, such a group will also contain members that cannot be guilty of it, like young children), but states and similar entities, being organized and capable of decision-making, can be, then any attempt to link the moral culpability of a state and that of a cultural group is inherently to apply unfair accusations to that group, and thus hateful to it.
Golda Meir once said “After the Holocaust, Jews are free to do whatever they want”.
Since then, Palestinians have been paying for the crimes of Nazi Germany.
Best take on this. A lot of Jewish people said “we must never let this happen again,” but some motherfuckers took notes.
Everyone post-WW2: “Never again”
- Some people: “Never again should that be inflicted on anyone”
- Other people: “Never again should that be inflicted on the Jewish”
There’s a YouTube channel covering WWII week by week, and there’s a sister series called War Against Humanity, which covers the atrocities committed on all sides—not just the a death camps and the murders in the ghettos, but firebombing campaigns, the Japanese internment camps, the Bata’an death march, the famine in India at the hands of the Raj, and so on. Every episode ends with host Spartacus Olsson repeating the phase that we should be using, “Never forget”. Because a huge contingent of us seems to be forgetting.