For me, it was a long talk I had with a random person on Omegle when that was a thing. I was bored one night so I decided to give it a try and I was matched with someone who I had nearly a 2 hour conversation with. We told jokes, told each other about ourselves, and talked like we were lifelong friends. But, we never did tell each other our names. I could’ve talked to this person all night but the interaction turned for the worst near the end. The person was depressed from what I gathered and the depression arose and the conversation fizzled out. I still think about them nearly 6 years later and hope that they are doing good whoever they were.

  • This is a great question!

    When I was like 17, I was driving (the speed limit, no music playing) through my friend’s neighborhood when I passed a woman out grabbing her mail. I gave a little wave and smiled, and she looked at me like I had just punted a fucking infant.

    I felt so offended, and I’ve never forgotten that look on her face- I would love to know what her perspective on this is/was.

    • I’m just sitting here refreshing this thread waiting for more stories, so I’m gonna share another one.

      I was talking to a black man with the most gorgeous blue eyes. I complimented him on his eyes, and he asked, genuinely, “you know how I got blue eyes?”, and there’s really only 3 options- 2 mixed parents, or 1 white and 1 mixed, so I took a stab at it and said “you got a white dad?” This man’s eyes went WIDE like I was a damn witch. He got real serious and asked “how’d you know that??” I told him I just guessed, but it was clear he didn’t believe me as he scratched his chin and put some distance between us

      4 months ago

      My interaction was WAAAY different but the same vein.

      I was driving around, biting the backside of my fingernail. I turned a corner, and this gorgeous girl driving, waved, and smiled at me for no reason.

      I was like, hot damn I still got it. Then, I realized biting the back of my nail, palm facing out, probably looked like I was waving at her.

      To this day I don’t know why it stuck with me.