I swear, I get the vibe from my cats that

  • they’re my daughters
  • one i get the vibe from that she’s my old lady (which literally she is but the wife connotation is highly questionable)

What is the relationship in the felid mind? I’ve never gotten the sense that I’m a “master” despite the fact they know when I get annoyed with them or what is forbidden and they mostly come to honor that (turns out nobody or anything likes getting hassled)

  • novibe@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    Dogs 100% were selectively bred to be permanently juvenile as well.

    Dogs have extreme neonatal characteristics. They are basically forever-wolf-puppies.

    Their heads are rounder, eyes bigger, proportions more exaggerated, more playful etc. etc.

    And we actually know the main brain difference between wolves and dogs is that dogs don’t mature basically ever neurologically.

    Wolves are in basically every way smarter than dogs.

    We dumbed down wolves and made them babies forever.

    Our biggest rivals for millennia.

    We are… fucked up.

    Anyways love puppies ❤️