Yes, that’s the “mostly agree” part. 👍
Yes, that’s the “mostly agree” part. 👍
While I mostly agree, let me point out that a random person is not going to get a CT. It’s almost 100% rich, right-wing tech-bros or fElon fanboys, or narcissistic assholes. If anyone is blowing away that much money, they have either researched the market and have put a higher weight on looks, ideology or signalling loyalty than on any practical aspects - or they have done no research at all. Both cases deserve to be ridiculed.
Sure, it was them who acted tough for the rewards when there were no risks and now are reluctant to actually take those risks. And this is textbook hypocrisy that deserves to be called out.
I’m not a vegan, nor claim or aim to be one. But if I went about loudly proclaiming that I was, using this to justify my actions, and then it became public knowledge that I am in fact not a vegan, then it would be the same hypocrisy. When a group claims to need weapons to quell a threat to democracy, and then proceeds to ignore the threat when it arises, then they are hypocrites. Hope that helped understand the point - let me know if it did 👍
Last time I checked, it was not mandatory to work for Toyota, so anyone feeling overworked there could leave. Unlike those feeling threatened under President felon, who can’t just up and leave the country. Regarding the “retrofuturistic shape” I wrote above: “put a higher weight on looks”.