And also a reminder that Switzerland flirted with actual nazism. Remember that whole “neutral” during WWII thing. That was really finlandization of Switzerland from western powers. They operated inside the German economic block.
So telling a swiss company that Trump is a nazi and association with anything even 0.0000001% a nazi would be outside of what you’d expect for a Swiss is kind of funny.
The only thing Nazi-like about Trump is his support of Israel committing a genocide against people who are in the way of Israel’s Lebensraum.
Mandatory porn re-education camp for you.
Or just watch porn with everyone at least once. Then it’s understood we watch porn. Everyone does.
The problem is female and women aren’t grammatically equivalent, so you can’t just drop one in place of the other anytime you want. It bugs me when people say woman president. Imagine electing a man president. The correct word in that case is male. You’d be electing a male president. I don’t care about anyone’s politics. I’m just getting tired of people in suits on tv using poor language and being asked to be taken seriously. And I’m not singling out democrats. Republicans adopted that language too. There are people on tv who wouldn’t pass kindergarten telling us what they think will affect GDP.
The left bans information too. Quite a lot. And actually they didn’t ban books. The government simply did not provide books. You just demonstrated that you are disconnected from reality right then. On every issue the left is disconnected from reality.
You still haven’t figured it out yet? The middle hates echo chambers. The right and left both have echo chambers but they vote against the one that seems more disconnected from reality. By controlling speech and removing content as a knee-jerk reaction to any inconvenient information or opinion as a habit, the left have separated themselves from reality more than the right, by at least a little.
This comes off as threatening to people. Because a mob of people disconnected from reality that will simply silence anyone’s defense of themselves feels like a situation that could get out of hand. And everyone has experienced having their speech controlled. They don’t like it.
All politics is a proxy for culture war. And you lost a culture war by being controlling assholes. Watch you try to silence me right now. Just know that that habit going forward will make you lose more.
As a gun owner the idea that people are ok with pitbulls but have a problem with me pisses me off. For anything bad to happen with a gun requires human agency. I actually have the capacity to know I’m not going to harm an innocent person today. But a pitbull, their owners are openly playing a lottery. Every time you walk out side with it its like me muzzle sweeping everyone in my community with my finger on a trigger saying “I’ve done it lots of times and nothing bad has happened. It didn’t hurt you this time so mind your own business. My choices don’t effect you. It’s not my fault if your kids are scared of me pointing my gun around. My kids aren’t going to get hurt in my home if I practice poor gun safety. See, they love playing with it. That’s proof it’s kid friendly”
As dangerous as a gun and with less certain human control over it is not acceptable. I’ll straight up say it. I feel as uncomfortable around a pitbull owner as someone mishandling a gun. And in the gun world if someone is willfully and blazenly mishandling a firearm to the point of endangering people you have a license to shoot them if they aren’t responsive to someone telling them to stop (non-lethally ideally).
I don’t know about licenses but if you own a pitbull people should openly tell you you are the asshole that you are.