I decided to try something. Seeing that just playing the games isn’t really that good of a way to test it, I thought I could try running some homebrew that could either test the cpu or just tell me info about it. So far the closest I’ve gotten is to use DSLinux and run cat /proc/cpuinfo
to get some info about the CPU. The only problem with this is that, the only thing I have to go of is the “bogomips” which is not a very good way to measure CPU speed. But for what it’s worth, while it doesn’t work in every emulator, I’ve noticed that some emulators are showing about 16 bogomips and others are showing about 33.
While bogomips is not a very accurate way to measure CPU speed, I think it would still be helpful in this particular situation. I can’t test DSLinux on my DS because either my flash card or my DS itself aren’t working properly, but I think it’s probably safe to assume that the ones showing 33 bogomips are probably running at DSi clock speeds. I want to test it on more emulators but it’s getting late for me, so I’ll have to do that tomorrow.
I don’t think so, YouTube’s new method for blocking third party clients seems to be difficult to work around. I have the Linux version of the NewPipe app and that seems to be working but I don’t use VPNs, so I don’t know if that would work for you.