Immich is great for this. You can share an album (or a sungle photo) by creating a link. That link can be password protected and have an expiry duration set.
Immich is great for this. You can share an album (or a sungle photo) by creating a link. That link can be password protected and have an expiry duration set.
Yeah, switching from reddit to lemmy gives a “old internet” wibe: actual people, most of them technically inclined. But with more adoption, these people get diluted by all other kinds of folks.
Same happened with cypto scene. It started with cythography entusiasts, but now it is mostly tech bros.
I mean, updating the rules would help - clarifying that feeding data to any model / doing analysis on it requires copyright - but I doubt that it would stop companies from doing it. Because it is hard to prove in court that your work has been stolen.
But there is no real way of enforcing the rules. How would be combat piracy? If you make BitTorrent protocol illegal, people will just that using HTTP or anything else to share copyright-ed material.
Interesting, but probably not general and scalable way of fighting this problem. This practice is would be hard to implement for other types of content.
I think that copyright law is inherently unfit for internet. In its core, it is a legal restriction on re-publishing content which cannot be enforced on the internet. It does not prevent piracy or AI companies from collecting data. So I’d say that we should do away with copyright law altogether. This would, of course, remove a lot of incentive for producing content, but I think people would still produce content, even if they are not paid to do it, as long as their basic needs are satisfied. So if we, as a human race, progress to UBI, we can also solve copyright problem.
But if we get stuck in capitalistic age, I guess we have to pretend that information can be owned and legally restricted from redistribution.
UptimeKuma looks nice. Simple, but it does what it is supposed to.
It does not work for me. Yesterday it started working after a few retries.
Lol. Tech support soon: “Have you tried turning your computer sideways and back again?”
You’ve just reminded me to fix cert renewal on my instance. I’m using let’s encrypt & their certbot with nginx and it is great.
Recently my nginx config got too complex, so nginx plugin stopped working correctly, because it wasn’t able to inject the config for ACME challenge correctly anymore. The solution was to manually configure location /.well-known/acme-challange
to read from a local directory and configure certbot to use a local webroot directory instead of fiddling with nginx config.
Relevant XKCD:
Seafile is ok. It has a weird docker container setup (multiple processes running in a single container) but works okayish