I think the brain damage made him forget that he was willfully lying about being progressive.
I think the brain damage made him forget that he was willfully lying about being progressive.
Yeah, man grows a monobrow with his five o’clock shadow.
A hero? For what? He didn’t do anything.
They should let that innocent man go free though.
Are you legit victim blaming the dead on a comic about the effects of institutional racism, even in how black kids have a prejudiced introduction to growing up?
Everyone should teach their kids what to do when they encounter a wild animal but apparently you think that’s enough license to blame them when they get bitten?
This is just modern day Assassin’s Creed gear. How long until some lunatic tries to make it big with a hidden blade?
They normally have that Cyberpunk Trauma package but thw capper must have blocked the implant.
They’re dumb, not handicapped. An idiot is still culpable for the damage they do. We’re all just lucky they aren’t smart enough to effect their malice.
What trend is the image showcasing? Repetition?
You…you can just do the normal method. You don’t have to blow into your drums…
What is the message? That borders are dumb?