I managed to get a workable solution for now, but if I get fiber in the Spring, I’ll be rebuilding everything with the things I’m learning now and I’ll probably want to use a nicer router.
I managed to get a workable solution for now, but if I get fiber in the Spring, I’ll be rebuilding everything with the things I’m learning now and I’ll probably want to use a nicer router.
Thanks this put me on a track to fixing my issues and learning something new. I cleaned up my DHCP, checked my incoming and outgoing ports in the firewall, and everything seems to be working as it is supposed to. The eeros don’t have a “true AP mode” from what I read online, but bridging them and turning off the wireless on the modem worked.
I’m crossing my fingers because that is 100% the preferred outcome.
My right extremist friends would hate me for being too economically and socially left; my left extremist friends would hate me for being too socially and economically right. My progressive friends would be upset that I’m not progressive enough on social issues especially. My neo-con and centrist friends would be upset that I oppose the status queue.
Having said, those who examine their own beliefs would probably not fit any label perfectly either, so basically everyone would hate everyone.
I would look above peoples heads for indication that their beliefs are not inherited from a label, but rather assembled through self-reflection and life experience because those sorts of people are more conducive to openly discussing beliefs and possibly having their opinion change in regards to new information.
The authorities wouldn’t give a shit because I’m a law abiding citizen and even though I oppose some of the things our nation does, I do not meaningfully resist and I still participate in capitalism and the other structures that prop them up in power.
Thanks for that moment of self examination. Now I’m standing in front of the mirror judging the political beliefs hovering above my own head! :D
I’m not sure. I ended up with the eeros because of the mesh and the fact that the upstairs office always had weak signal. I don’t like them and I’ve been generally de-googling and de-amazoning my life. The self-built route appeals to me too. Ultimately, I’ll settle somewhere between off-the-shelf and DIY, but there’s no better way to learn that to do it the hard way from the ground up. In regards to actual hardware, is there a Lemmy community for honest reviews by real people?