This is called ‘stochastic terrorism’. Publicly painting people in the most outrageous light until some of your acolytes feel called upon to realize the supposedly non-commital threats you made.
Fuck Trump. Fight the fascists.
This is called ‘stochastic terrorism’. Publicly painting people in the most outrageous light until some of your acolytes feel called upon to realize the supposedly non-commital threats you made.
Fuck Trump. Fight the fascists.
Small addendum: As fascists often seek to indoctrinate the population into longing for a natural order only they (the fascists) can provide, a minority of relatively niche needs is the ideal target to demonstrate this supposed ‘nature’ in order to obtain the perceived moral right to structure society as they see fit. That science and society do not actually reflect this ‘nature’ is irrelevant. The enemy has been created.
This seems to be just a small footnote in the absurdity of modern day america, but it shows the self-indulgent ignorance of some americans in regards to what kind of country they are actually establishing. A ‘Dr. Phil’, barely relevant, becomes reporter on the pointless but exceedingly disruptive and cruel deportation policy for the one thing he really cares about: attention. Because attention is currency for a media personality and he cares for his currencies. Not for his society or country.
THIS is the reality of the USA. Everybody feels entitled to pursue their riches without regard to their neighbour.
I get what Ezra is saying but I am still not keen on calling anybody an ‘NPC’. Not even people on the side of what is clearly an autocratic coup. Because even if I despise these people, they are still people. Very much responsible for their own actions.
It’s even more important as during such a coup, the law gets instrumentalized as a tool of oppression. Owning the rule of law to defend democratic intent is necessary to prevent such instrumentalization as much as possible.
Can we root for one that just nukes the US?
Do we know if the worm is actually dead? Insiders insinuate it’s the worm actually calling the shots…
He tries to run diplomatic relations like he would be dealing with NYC mobsters. That man is entirely unsuited for office. The US population which elected him has shown to be unsuited for the leadership role they claim their country has. That’s the reality the rest of the world is facing. The US is a troubled state and an unreliable ally. Moreover, they are acting in the interests of adversarial nations to world peace and prosperity. Other nations who did that have been deemed rogue or terrorist states.