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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: January 10th, 2024


  • Once a long time ago I had some problems after upgrading a computer from Windows 7 to Windows 8. I got on a chat with someone from Microsoft support and eventually started a remote session with them. The first thing he did was go into the chat app from my side and give himself 5-star ratings across the board and pasted in some feedback about being diligent and responsive. That whole part took less than 30 seconds.

    At the end of the day he couldn’t resolve the issues and we ultimately downgraded back to Windows 7.

  • I don’t think those of us on the Internet have enough info to truly jump in one way or another. The only area I would really be concerned about the age gap myself would be if the age gap is being used as a power imbalance to induce the younger one into dangerous behavior, like a sexual relationship, drugs, or taking advantage of them financially. Do you think anything like that is happening, or do you have the vibe that something like that could happen?

    If it’s just that you can’t imagine hanging out with someone so young, you might want to consider that this guy is at a different point in life than you, even if he’s about the same age as you. If you’re around 40 but already have an 18-year-old kid in college. That would mean you became a father in your early 20s. It probably means you were married, perhaps fresh out of college. You’ve lived life as a parent for a couple decades now, in fact you could be just a few years away from becoming a grandparent. In contrast, if this guy’s been hustling to make money from a young age and an impoverished background, and is only just now starting college, he’s probably had to put a lot of those life experiences on hold. I’m guessing he doesn’t have kids himself since it’s pretty challenging to pay for college and med school of you also are paying to raise children. He might not even be married. I got married relatively later, in my mid-30s. As I got older I hung out with a wider age range, older and younger, but primarily single people. As my friends got married I saw them pretty rarely, not because I didn’t want to hang out with married people but mostly because married people tend to do things with other married people or just themselves. Now that I’m married I try to reach out to my single friends, but frankly it’s hard as a married parent to fit them in.

    All that’s to say, just because you can’t imagine hanging out with someone that much younger than you, it doesn’t mean no one else can for completely innocent reasons. This guy might even see it as an almost mentor-like relationship, seeing this awkward kid who doesn’t get out much and helping him grow socially and find interests he enjoys. There are some areas where an older friend can be helpful in ways a parent simply can’t be.