Dogs cant differentiate red and green because they only have two types of color receptors (cones). Theyd percieve it similar to someone who is red-green colorblind.
Igor Forgor
Dogs cant differentiate red and green because they only have two types of color receptors (cones). Theyd percieve it similar to someone who is red-green colorblind.
Relative of the piss drawer
She disappeared after Trump won and hasnt had a thing to say to help the democratic voter base. She needs to sit the fuck down and let someone who actually cares about the voter base and is actually going to fight for their rights run
All resigning does is give them a greater margin to win votes by. We have several chances to win a tie or majority in the house and senate
Three house seats are up for special elections, two in florida and one in NY. If they all elect democrats, there will be a tie in the houde and any bill can be blocked.
Senate votes can be held without all members present, so making sure all democrat congress members always show up and always vote gives a good chance of blocking some bills
Also in 2026 will be the midterm and we can vote republican congressmembers out, as they only have a majority and not a supermajority.
Diamond anvils
Scribes, cutting and polishing
Coatings for high durability and wear resistance
Windows and containers for laser experiments
Semiconductor research
Physics experiments ended up being the default instance for everyone hopping from reddit, so it’s quickly become more akin to reddit than other servers. Not to mention the tankies have migrated to (developer run and explicitly marxist / tankie instance), (marxist tankie 4chan instance), and hexbear (tankie communists that were isolated / defederated by choice for a while. They started federating and many instances blocked them for trolling. Full of trolls). I went to but blocked me for being a bot, which I am not, so I had to make a new account because the admins never bothered to respond. Also admins have been going kinda crazy / heavy handed with the moderation and many people on other servers are rightfully upset with them
They are a fairly small group compared to other marginalized groups, and particularly vulnerable compared to others. There is already a lot of misinformation about them. Average people often dont run into them or understand them Well enough to make informed decisions. Its easy for billionaires and republicans to wield religion against them. They are often vocal about their beliefs. Intersectionality is also important (e.g. supporting and protecting other minority demographics’ rights because it is the right thing to do, and tearing each other down is counterproductive) to them, which isnt always the case. Disappearing them sets an example and is a test run for setting up the infrastructure and means to take control. See: nazi germany with the deaf, and current marginalization by the trump administration of the trans and disabled communities.
Interesting that that guy also created a conservative community and an anti-trans community calling trans people groomers. “Hey, I’m a republican fascist, but not a nazi, so long as nazi means left wing”
Means potato / lame
I’d rather see organizations that I can join and DO something rather than give money to. So many organizations will take your money but dont want to talk to you otherwise.
Actually they should be connected in parallel. Because tungsten resistance increases with temperature, if one bulb starts out with a slightly higher resistance, it will get hotter faster and you will end up with inconsistent lighting or damaging that one bulbs (if not designed for operating at 120V nominal. 6 ideal bulbs in series would operate at 20V which would necessitate lower resistance and would explode at 120v). The higher temp and resistance would cause it to generate a higher than normal voltage drop/current/power, likely much more than the designed power, and the other bulbs may be much dimmer in comparison.
Also if one bulb drops out / blows it will take out all 6. Either way the power (150W) would be the same.
Im pretty sure this is Love Quinn from the tv show “You.” She is like murder people to get what she wants crazy. I guess the expression is more of an “are you sure about that” or maybe something related to whatever scene this came out of idk, we in the same boat here
Or maybe it was meant to be said with the expectation of a “no youre not” and shes upset because she takes it as him calling her crazy
I have to purposefully slow down or it gives me 3 in a row and then fails
I think the problem is underspecified: it doesnt define what happens if they get it wrong. If they get it wrong are they barred from exiting? Or can they make a guess every night? Whats stopping them from all saying blue and the boat leaving with 100 blue eyed people on night 1? Or do they only get one guess?
Also it would have saved more people if the guru had simply stated the counts they daw because everyone could count the other people and then see what color was missing (their own eye color) and they could have all left night 1.
Seems like he does get banned frequently by mods, given he has like 10 accounts created on a number of servers in the past few months
I use it regularly
Not directly. The moment you make that loan it gets sold to a private loan handler
No, due to poor design the fan motor ripped itself apart and the distributor took a week just to ship the replacement which cost $100
If you do a 5 bit encoding (0-31) that’s enough for the alphabet and numbers can overlap with letters like in braille, plus spaces. Thats around 1638 characters. Standard ascii is technically 7 bits and that would compress to 1170 characters without the initial 0