finally some good KFC
you wouldnt even know the difference if i had halfed 100 figs, put them in a large bucket, shook it and took out two that looked roughly the same!
how old is your mushroom identification book?
“Is it possible to buy normal weed in 2024 or is there only shinzo-abe-pack-chernobyl-1000C-hot-knife-sohn-of-a-whore-nirvana-haze which leaves you with a permanent disability?”
you are welcome
and for the germanophones:
“ich verstehe nicht alles hier aber ‘shinzo abe pack chernobyl 1000’ schiesst wie eine schrotflinte ein loch durch die sprach barriere”
seit willkommen
edith: sorry, hab nix mit flinten zu tun und mach kaum schrott :P
its fine… itll happen again… its fine… whatever…it has happened before… its fine
oh my