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Eh. He’s a human being. I hadn’t heard about his fleet.
It seems nearly impossible for a person to be billionaire loaded and not make some irresponsible purchases. Is there anyone with that kind of money we should be highlighting as a role model instead?
I don’t see the interest in who voted what on my stuff, but it could be interesting to do some analysis of system-wide voting behaviors. The bigger Lemmy gets the more of a problem it’s going to have with bots. People will need to create tools to identify these bots, and voting behavior seems like the primary data source.
Yeah leaked data stays leaked. You can often find out what was leaked tho.
I imagine this looks a lot like what people in the cyber security sector do after a breach. Audit all the code, scan all the servers, monitor everything for several months. It’s a ton of work and very expensive, but there are people with lots of real-world experience unhacking systems.
I think the idea here is that, as Republicans have repeatedly demonstrated, the minority party can do a lot to simply break the government.
If the Democrats had the intestinal fortitude to be real resistance against an authoritarian takeover, they could start filibustering everything, and using every procedural trick to delay or block every Republican action until some set of demands are met. Perhaps removing Musk from every government system, or reinstating all of the DoJ personnel who have been retaliated against.
Here we see Democrats basically unanimously going along with the Republican agenda so that they can feel like “the adults in the room,” rather than fighting for the life of our republic.
This mirrors how I’ve been thinking about the broader world trends. The neo-liberal world order is dying. It has solved all the problems it has the capacity to solve, and the people have run out of patience with the problems it can’t.
The groups that have been best positioned to fill the gaps created by these retreating institutions are the ones that had always been excluded; nationalists, authoritarians, xenophobes of all kinds, et al. The left? They joined the neo-liberal coalition to try to change the system from the inside, or refused to participate and languished in obscurity.
IMHO if we’re going to avoid a century of oppression, the left needs to abandon the neo-liberal coalition, and get into the fight for what comes next. We’re already two steps behind.
Resistance requires hope. I appreciate people being willing to imagine how things could get better from this point. If you aren’t willing to allow yourself to even imagine victory, you’ve already lost.
I wasn’t thinking so specifically about Biden voters who stayed home in 24. I see that’s what you were talking about initially.
If you simply ask everyone who voted for Trump, the economy was the top issue. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/11/13/what-trump-supporters-believe-and-expect/
That’s all I was saying. But there are, I think, three groups which it would be interesting to have this answer for. The first is the one you mentioned. The other two are people who voted for Biden and switched to Trump, and people who chose not to vote in 2020 and voted for Trump in '24. I couldn’t find those answers readily.
Big? Sure. Biggest? No. Biggest was “the economy”. It’s practically a law of nature that inflation ends governments.
There’s a profit angle in terms of keeping wages down, but there’s also a competitive angle. Having a bigger talent pool to draw on means you get better talent, particularly when you’re in the top spot in terms of pay, quality of life, professional achievement, etc.
That’s a neat tool. But it’s giving me a slightly confusing result. I have a solar installation and I’ve plugged in the details so far as I know them, just to see if I’m producing about what I “should” be. The peak production month is about right, but the minimal production month is only estimated to be like 25% less than that. My system has more like 50-60% drop, and some quick googling suggests that’s about normal.
Any thoughts on why this tool suggests a much smaller drop?
The media keeps talking about how they’ve learned their lesson about how to report on Trump; that they’re not going to get spun up about all the noise he makes; that they’re not going to let him switch the story every week; that they’re going to focus on the real, material things that are going on.
Well here we are again, writing deeply concerned pieces about a handful of tweets (or whatever they’re called in Trump land). And here Lemmy is upvoting them.
Trump is a troll. Don’t feed the trolls.
This seems like a prime opportunity for an investor lawsuit