You really don’t know how researches work… they get to be in multiple projects globally, specially when working in a university… that is why of the name. Besides, the US is highly sensitive with confidential information and for the most ridiculous things you need a “security clearance” that he will never get even the most basic one. Today, most on the spying is not done presentially within the target country, let alone with such a prominent position.
That is very hard to asses. I prefer to look it like this, what chances is that you will find a partner (like for marry to) out of 100 or so. I do believe, if given equal chance of interaction, you could find a marrying-material partner every 7 or 8 people. Now, in a world of plenty of choices, biases etc, we shuffle through hundreds of people before settling with one… and, even then, still unhappy with the choice for the people we haven gone through yet in our search. Now, that is for me… Chances is you would choose a different person out of these very same 7 to 8 people. Both chosen persons have the same chance of being equally good persons, as the non chosen ones.