I used ResEdit to fix an issue with my school’s email system.
Someone used a Hypercard stack I made to “break” a computer, It got me banned from the school computers. Same school even.
I used ResEdit to fix an issue with my school’s email system.
Someone used a Hypercard stack I made to “break” a computer, It got me banned from the school computers. Same school even.
Apparently we are actually two brains. And one half can’t talk. But does make choices on its own that can disagree with the other half.
Something they used to do is cut the connecting tissue between the two brain half’s. People who have had that happen have explain how the difference sides of their bodies will sometimes disagree with the other. And when that happens the talking half might come up a really non sensical reasoning to why it did what it did.
CGP Grey did a video on it. And if you search split brains you can probably find more. There an interview with someone on YouTube I watched a long time ago.