Ah, no it does not do that
Ah, no it does not do that
Like if you visit a link or go to someone’s profile, then go back to return to the comments, will your scroll position be remembered so you can see the comment you were just looking at? If so, yes
But you didn’t. You didn’t even read the article
I started watching Enterprise recently feeling the same way you do, and it’s honestly not that bad. The way they talk to each other and the overall vibe is VERY Next Gen, and it’s interesting how they’re 100ish years in the future while TOS is 200 years in the future, so their technology and even uniforms look almost exactly halfway between our tech and stuff and what we see in “traditional” Trek. The theme song though is definitely whack
It’s Holocaust 2: Electric Boogaloo
Maybe some people stayed until now because they (foolishly) thought they could make a difference?
The Oracle games also open with Link riding his horse back to Hyrule castle, which doesn’t really make sense as a follow-up to LA, but alas
I’m still upset with the official timeline because of how they put Link’s Awakening as happening before Oracle of Ages/Seasons, when it CLEARLY happens AFTER the Oracle games! Link’s Awakening opens with him on a boat in a storm in the middle of the ocean, and if you do the special linked ending of the Oracle games the story ends with Link getting on a boat in the ocean sailing towards a storm. Get it together Nintendo!
72 hours, insomnia. They first put me on benzos, then trazodone, then finally Lunesta was able to get my brain working fully again. The benzos were interesting because I didn’t really feel like I slept when I was on it? Like it just erased my memory of the sleepless night
Because how else would we feel superior?
10:08 is the other time that is often used for analog clocks in store displays, because like 1:50 it makes the hands into the shape of a check mark. My favorite though is when digital clocks are ALSO set to 10:08 as a reference to that even though there are no hands!