If your movies are just in one big folder, there’s a Windows batch file out there called file2folder.bat
I used to have a copy, and it just takes the name of every file, creates a folder with the same name, and puts the file into it. Instead of something like c:\movies\batman.mp4 for example, you end up with c:\movies\batman\batman.mp4 which is something that Radarr can work with.
You’ll probably still need to do some tidying up and matching, but from what I remember, it’s a lot easier :)
I’ve found the file in one of my backups. It’s a Windows batch file, so you’d need to save it as a .bat file. The contents are:
@echo off
for %%a in (.) do (
md “%%~na” 2>nul
move “%%a” “%%~na”
but, I searched online first, and a lot of people now are saying to use FileBot instead, as it gives you more options: