So, it turns out that people are gonna be people regardless of whatever laws are passed. In this particular case, by outlawing abortion women that weren’t in a position to take care of a child no longer have a way to rid themselves of a burden (to them). Now, instead of seeing a licensed medical professional to abort the fetus, they have the kid and leave it in a dumpster. Either way, that child never gets the chance to live life. One way, it’s never born in the first place. The other, it is born and deals with a lot of pain before it inevitably expires. The woman is left traumatized by the experience and the world is a worse place.
If we just, y’know, empower women to make their own decisions regarding the use of their bodies and allow them to seek medical assistance when required, this wouldn’t happen. However, the republican leadership in this state (and country) would much rather have us at each other’s throats instead of all of us coming together to realize they’re fleecing everyone for every dime they have.
Brings to mind Christopher Titus. “What did you do to get stabbed?”