I have ADHD, Autism and god damn OCD.
People are akward with me and I am with them.
Never in my fucking life did I need to stim using a Sieg Heil.
Never in my life felt I that my body, as motorically challenged as it is, that the thing it should be doing that motion bang on perfect. Twice.
On TV.
If it walks like a duck,
and talks like a duck,
Sieg Heils as a duck
it is a nazi.
I have ADHD, Autism and god damn OCD. People are akward with me and I am with them. Never in my fucking life did I need to stim using a Sieg Heil. Never in my life felt I that my body, as motorically challenged as it is, that the thing it should be doing that motion bang on perfect. Twice. On TV.
If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, Sieg Heils as a duck it is a nazi.