This is so me. I absolutely love Sriracha! I find it to be just the right level of spiciness for every day food. Doesn’t bother me at all. There’s plenty of other hot sauces out there that are just stupid hot and aren’t nearly as enjoyable
This is so me. I absolutely love Sriracha! I find it to be just the right level of spiciness for every day food. Doesn’t bother me at all. There’s plenty of other hot sauces out there that are just stupid hot and aren’t nearly as enjoyable
That sounds as asinine as you seem to think it was. Damn dude. What a dumb way to do things. You’re better off without that stupidity in your life
That’s the part I didn’t get. Neither wine nor blood stains look like that.
It’s made our marketing department even lazier than they already were
Curious - what type of job was this? Like, how was AI used to interact with your customers?
Coincidentally, “80 balls deep” describes your mom’s average Tuesday night