I do. Anything is better than the sites they are on currently. More different opinions can help a place grow.
I do. Anything is better than the sites they are on currently. More different opinions can help a place grow.
I suggested it to a few ppl and even offered to show them how to use it but they said it’s “too hard to understand” sad times we live in.
I’m with you on that one. Felt like a gut punch…
Fucking turn-coat
Monster munch! Currently my fav snack.
Become a French toast master
Where are all of the “I’m worried about the economy” voters at? Come on be loud and proud!
Over compensating when an injustice is learned. We don’t change anything meaningful, it seems, and when this happens, we create a whole new problem
Them and alot of Millenials unfortunately, I quit FB about 9 years ago and when ever I run into someone I know they always wonder why I’m not on FB anymore.
I feel this one hard, I loved his Ghost Machine stuff too. Can’t do FFDP…
Cherry NOS energy drink
If anything meta integrates here I’m out.
God these tech billionaires have such thin skin. Bunch of whiney bitch boys, the lot of 'em!