I’d say 50/50 because she’s a woman and a Democrat.
Good thing she never wore a tan suit or used the wrong mustard, then Republicans would have done something drastic like storm the Capitol building!
Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.
Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.
Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.
I’d say 50/50 because she’s a woman and a Democrat.
Good thing she never wore a tan suit or used the wrong mustard, then Republicans would have done something drastic like storm the Capitol building!
A few years ago I purged my face book profile with a script that edited every post with lorem ipsum, and then deleted the content.
It was embarrassing seeing posts from 10-15 years ago. Jesus christ I was an idiot. I still am, but I was then too. (thanks mitch)
In 2022 I did the same to my reddit account.
Same reaction.
Although it was interesting to see my comments go backwards from “burn the system to the ground” to “we need to make a compromise and reach across the aisle” and then from “all religions should be allowed to die” to “Yay Jesus”
Like I said, I was a big dum
Oh god I would hate to see my YouTube comment history from my first account…
Anything else would simply be improper!
God damn almighty these people are fucking stupid.
You know, I was about to go on about how they aren’t stupid, they’re cowards, because they fully know what you say is true, but they are too scared to say things out loud because then they’d be a target, OR because they believe in “the moral high road” and “believe the best in people” to a fault and “it wouldn’t be proper!” to call a nazi… You know… a nazi.
But then I realized all of that, while possible, is still insanely fucking stupid
So I guess my point is “yeah, and giant fucking cowards to boot”
It’s great that a convicted felon who absolutely committed treason by sharing classified documents with foreign nationals is allowed to decide OTHER people can’t be trusted with information.
These guys need to decorate their walls with a small caliber paintbrush
“my centrism isn’t a problem, it’s DEMOCRATS for not being left enough, because then my centrism would really be centered”
Sure bud, whatever helps you sleep at night I guess.
You aren’t wrong about democrats being spineless, but Personally I could never try and compromise with someone who thinks my very existence and the existence of minorities gives them a reason to hate and persecute up to literal lynching and murder but that’s just me.
Beware that Nvidia cards have driver issues, they’re fixable but if you do have an Nvidia card, I’d just use the built in graphics chip for trying out Linux at first.
Well, shit. Extra work for me. I knew I should have waited for the AMD series to be in stock…
I know just enough about Linux to know I should have been getting into it when I graduated over a decade ago.
I also know just enough to know it can do pretty much everything I need, as long as I’m willing to switch to a Linux alternative with similar capabilities.
However, I am Linux-dumb and deeply set into my windows, to the point where I’m not sure I have the technical savvy to switch.
From my understanding, Linux works very well, as long as you know what you’re doing.
I’m sure I’m overestimating the learning curve but it’s still intimidating.
You first.
But seriously, it gets annoying, but at the same time it’s the biggest scam on the fediverse right now that I know of. So I feel like a little visibility once in awhile (not 6 times a day) that lets people know about it is fine.
To anyone who knows: is there a way to filter out usernames containing that name? Like if I could block dms from my chosen instance, that’d be great. I’ve been getting 2-3 a week.
Well, he’s not in prison for treason or anything related to classified documents being mishandled, soooooooo…
Rule of law means nothing in the US anymore unless you’re poor. If it mattered, we would have had different presidential candidates from the start.
If anyone still cares in the government, none of them care enough to actually do anything but stand by and watch. Maybe give a half-hearted “yeah way to take a stand” after the fact when someone gets dragged out of the room by the fascists.
Excellent domain name for your instance, by the way. Absolutely horrifying in just the right way.
almost complete immunity to any consequences for their actions.
legal immunity.
Fingers crossed more people wake the fuck up that nobody is coming to step in and save us, we have to do it ourselves.
We used to know how to fight dictators and fascism, but apparently all we can do now is protest, quietly, in our government mandated protest spot, miles away from anyone who can hear or see us. Anything else just wouldn’t be proper.
Why do we need to wait to know that violence against fascists is the appropriate response?
This sort of thinking makes me “sound like a teenager” because I’m “trying to be Edgy”
Lol no, anyone who genuinely thinks violence will not be needed because we will simply vote soon and it’ll all be over is either sticking their head in the sand, naive as fuck, or their lifestyle depends on things continuing as they are and stand to benefit from it.
Like holy shit go to the 1800s and tell all the slaves if they want real change they need to keep their heads down and quietly protest in the back where nobody can see them. Similar vibes.
I just want neat metal ship models without having to pay $100+ for out of production stuff…
Perhaps even one in a bottle.
But that wouldn’t be proper!
clutches pearls
Here’s my 30 second meme. Enjoy.
Power move: come in and vomit on the boss’s desk, car, or their person.
“sorry, I was gonna go to the doctor but you know the rules”
Is that not common knowledge? I mean I guess if I assume people don’t know how to throw I should also assume they don’t all know how to build them…
I’ve had a bottle crack from heat and start leaking mid-throw, unfortunately a cap/cork (I prefer cork/rubber stoppers) isn’t guaranteed safe.
Combine smart construction and smart throwing for best results
Because mom would be sad and my dogs wouldn’t understand.
And throw it around to the side, not over the shoulder.
Up-and-over can drip all kinds of flaming liquid over you should the container not be sealed properly.
Out-and-around/sidearm flings it to the side.
Make sure you have the clearance to the side and nobody is in the literal line of fire, and you’re good to lob your cocktail at the spot you intend to hit.
Super lpt: get a lacrosse stick, become proficient with it.
It’s common to lash out when embarrassed, especially toward the thing you perceive caused the embarrassment.
I don’t think that’s a political indicator, it’s just an indicator that it’s human (or at least trained on human interactions, especially online interactions)